Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond is a turn-based Idle game that reflects an old-school Japanese artstyle on top of providing an extravagant adventure experience. Unravel the mysteries behind a classic Good V/S Evil storyline, told beautifully via the means of pixelated graphical animations. Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond is available as a free-to-play game on both Google Play Store and iOS App Store.

In this guide for Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond, players will be able to gauge how they should progress as a beginner. Naturally, we will be explaining about the basic gameplay elements on top of understanding about the different PvE/PvP game modes. A note of caution, live-service games like Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond are meant to be played as a marathon and not like a sprint. This is because you will be resource drained and content-locked for a significant period of time due to the nature of the game. With that out of the way, let’s begin!

Understanding the Gameplay Mechanics of Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond

Since Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond is a turn-based role-playing game, the genre itself dictates a lot of the gameplay elements. To battle the terrible demons and their armies who have engulfed the holy region in darkness, players must first assemble a squad of five characters.

Following this, players may simply experience a number of the incredible game modes, like Storyline, Arena, and many more that we will go into deeper depth about later. Players will have the opportunity to win all of the necessary in-game resources in the form of awards by participating in all of these matches. Later on, players can utilize them to improve their characters; some of the resources can even be used to call forth strong heroes.

Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond Beginner's Guide – Progress as you Play

Let’s now discuss combat mechanics. Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond is an automated 2D role-playing game where the Heroes carry out all of the attacks on their own. It is a turn-based RPG. All of these attacks are predicated on the turns that each character—enemy included—is granted. With tons of automation involved, players have little to nothing to do in actual combat scenarios. The true strategy lies in creating deadly team comps that will pave way for your victory! For an easier time, the game also has 2X and 3X battle speed options that will complete the battles faster!

Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond Beginner's Guide – Progress as you Play

Even the match’s tempo can be changed by the players. Players just need to put in a lot of effort to assemble a strong squad with a good mix of classes and strong players. Proper attack execution and team strength can be maintained with a balanced squad comprising all classes of heroes. If you’re struggling to build a strong team, check out a complete tier list for the best heroes in Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond. 

Understanding the Gacha System of Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond

The summoning system lies at the core of Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond. It is called the “Sanctum” in official game terminology. It’s unlocked right after you clear the 1st chapter of the storyline mode. You will need different types of summoning currencies to make use of the system. These currencies are easily available as you play the game, majorly through quests, story mode, arena, pre-registration rewards, events, redeem codes, and more!

Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond Beginner's Guide – Progress as you Play

The Sanctum allows players to summon all the heroes in the game via different recruitment banners. Each banner has different summoning rates, defining the probability of summoning different rarities of heroes. The highest rarity heroes are available at the lowest rates, while the lowest rarity heroes are available at the highest rate. Let’s first take a look at all the summoning banners and their uses:

  • Star Summons – In this banner, you can summon any 2-5 star hero using a currency called Covenant of Star. On a daily basis, you will get 1 free summon to do on this banner. A 10 pull will cost you 10 Covenant of Stars. 
  • Friendly Summons – In this banner, you can summon any 2-5 star hero using a currency called Friendship Points. A 10 pull will cost you 1000 Friendship Points.
  • Light Summons – In this banner, you can summon any 3-5 star hero using a currency called Covenant of Light. A 10 pull will cost you 10 Covenant of Lights. You can also purchase Covenant of Light using your owned Diamonds.

Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond – All Game Modes and UI Elements Explained

As you progress, you will encounter different UI elements that might confuse you in the beginning. Do not worry, as we will explain them in layman language, and take away your burden of exploring them individually. We have already explained the Sanctum, so we will avoid discussing that system in this section. Let’s check all the UI elements and game modes in detail:

  • Story Mode – The primary Storyline game mode is accessible to players in the Story area. There are multiple chapters in the Storyline game mode, and each chapter has stages underneath it. Players have to finish a specific chapter’s stage at the start of the adventure. They will also be able to access all other in-game functions with the aid of this. Amazing prizes including gold coins, stones, potion, summon tokens, and star diamonds will be awarded to players.
  • Realm – The Realm is home to one of the biggest sets of game modes. It harbors the Arena, Divine Garden, Song of Time, Tower of Beings, Endless Sea, Eternal Throne, and River of Oblivion. The primary Storyline mode is unrelated to any of these game modes. Inside the Arena portion, gamers will engage in player-versus-player combat. 

The Wave format game mode is created by other game modes such Tower of Beings, Eternal Throne, and Endless Sea. Players must battle waves of monsters in this kind of game mode in order to advance through each round. Players must start the adventure again from the beginning if they lose at a certain point.

  • Heroes – Players can access every hero in the game through the Hero section. Players can quickly examine the Classes, Tiers, and Stats of each Hero by navigating through this area. You can also power up and strengthen your heroes using different processes via this section. Additionally, you can also equip your heroes with stronger gear to help boost their stats.

Playing Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond on a bigger screen of your PC with BlueStacks without worrying about battery drainage and smooth gameplay is highly recommended.