The month of June has been greeted by a new update from Vespa’s side-scrolling role playing game KING’S RAID. Three of its non-playable characters (NPCs) will be receiving balance adjustments, namely the Chief Guard of Cruelty Nicky, the Girl Dreaming of Riches May, and Instructor of Open Fire Hanus.

By improving the performances of these three NPCs, they will perform better in each specialized content.


Nicky is the Chief Guard of Cruelty, and she belongs under the warrior class with the physical attack type. She was once known as a nightmare when it comes to front-row heroes in the arena. Now, Nicky will be getting a proper adjustment.

The developers of KING’S RAID will improve Nicky’s DMG to help regain her former frame. 


May, the month, is already over, but May, the KING’S RAID character, is just starting. She belongs under the Priest class with a magic attack type.

KING'S RAID - June 2021 Hero Balance Adjustments for Nicky, May, and Hanus

Initially, Vespa wanted May to become a hero that can withstand long battles. However, with the way things are now, May is only good during the early game. With her upcoming changes, May will be able to strengthen and support her allies in long-term battles like Guild Conquests and World Bosses.


Lastly, the Instructor of Open Fire Hanus (who belongs under the Mechanic class with a physical attack type just like Nicky) will also be getting some balance changes. This purple-haired girl was meant to be used in Guild contents. However, she was not able to fully utilize her potential and show off her Guild-worthy excellence.

KING'S RAID - June 2021 Hero Balance Adjustments for Nicky, May, and Hanus

The structure of Hanus’ skills will be improved so that she can later on perform better in Guild Conquests and Guild Wars.

The upcoming June 8 KING’S RAID patch note will give more details about the future changes on these three heroes.

In the meantime, while you are waiting, you can improve your KING’S RAID strategies and playstyle by reading our tips and tricks game guide. Did you know that you can earn at least 4,000 Rubies when you play the game for one whole month? And the best way to spend these Rubies is to invest in heroes.

Most of the useful heroes are quite expensive, and we don’t recommend you to use your hard-earned Rubies just to add one of them to your team. Instead, you can “reforge” equipment with your Rubies: In KING’S RAID, all equipment can gain random and powerful stats using the reforge method, and Rubies are the way to go for this process.

You can play KING’S RAID on PC with the help of BlueStacks’ Macros feature. This lets you master the game by taking off the boring, repetitive tasks out of your hands and later replaying them with one keypress.