The developer King is no newbie to the world of mobile. This is something that they have proven time and again with some interesting titles for both Android and iOS, well known of which is the Candy Crush series. It seems that they are coming out with a new game which we were supposed to have been expecting anytime, though.

For Crash fans, this new game is an endless runner mode unit that will supposedly be named Crash Bandicoot: On the Run. Even though they have released only the male character’s name, we have reason to believe that we will see Coco too. If you like Crash:Bandicoot, then you’ll these other games.

How do we know that much about the game already?

Soft Release

Those that have been following Android game news for a while will know that this is not the first time this game will make the news.

King to Release ‘Crash Bandicoot: on the Run’ to iOS and Android Soon

We thought that it had made an official launch back in February/ April when some users got access to the game. We were soon to find out that it is a soft launch to enable the game developer to test their latest creation with some players. This audience was also restricted to Malaysia at that time, even though we would have loved to get our hands on it elsewhere too.

It has sure taken some time, but it seems that the developer is ready to let every other interested player have a go at the game too. Note that all this is based on a teaser on the game’s official Twitter page. Seeing as King has had success in the mobile world before, we don’t see why they should not release this game for wider consumption soon.

Understanding the Gameplay

Like every other endless runner game, players should know the basic things to expect with this title. What you might not know yet, are the kinds of levels and challenges to come up within the game.

King to Release ‘Crash Bandicoot: on the Run’ to iOS and Android Soon

If the soft launch is anything to go by, we are in for a world of fun. The game is designed to allow Crash race through different interesting levels while picking up powerups along the way.

These powerups will follow the wumpa model to make things closer to home for those that have been a longtime fan of Crash. When running, you will also get the chance to bash and destroy Cortex’s minions in the process.

King to Release ‘Crash Bandicoot: on the Run’ to iOS and Android Soon

This shows a bigger plot at play.

You are not just playing the game but going for a bigger goal. You will, ultimately, have to destroy the plot of Dr Neo Cortex so that his plan to end the multiverse does not hold at all. Before getting to the ultimate villain, though, you must have met with all of Mutagen Ant, Nitrus Brio, Dingodile and Scorporilla.

Fans of the franchise will already be familiar with these names while they will remain captivating for those that are just getting in. No matter which side of the fence you are on, you should also look forward to landscapes like Turtle Woods and the Lost City.

In short, everything we hear about this game is telling us how much of a treat we are in for.

When to Expect it

King to Release ‘Crash Bandicoot: on the Run’ to iOS and Android Soon

Unfortunately, there’s no official date for the launch of this game on any platform. Anything right now is just mere rumours and speculations. For the main time, you can go on the game’s official Google Play page to see what you can learn for yourself. Once a solid release timeline is announced, we will update this piece accordingly. Don’t forget to check back for that.