Meditation by Mindbliss

Meditation by Mindbliss

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Pagina modificata il: 11 gennaio 2020

Play Meditation by Mindbliss on PC

Enjoy over 400 calming Guided Meditations designed by the best teachers to help you cultivate wellness and become happier. You can choose your favorite guided meditation from18 different categories. Mindbliss will also help you discover new meditations based on your needs.

Mindfulness - Build a mindful attitude with Guided Meditations from the best teachers. Learn Mindfulness Meditation Techniques such as Focusing on your breath, Body Scanning and Reflection.

Binaural Beats - The electrical brain activity of people listening to binaural beats music varies according to the frequency pattern used. Binaural Beats are used for relaxation, anxiety relief with guided meditation or stand alone on Mindbliss.

Anxiety Relief - Guided Meditations are a science-backed approach to reduce anxiety. Today meditation is used by medical and mental health professionals as part of a holistic treatment for mental health. Find calm in a few minutes per day with expert meditation teachers.

Loving-Kindness Meditation or metta meditation is the act of sending love and positive thoughts to those you know and don’t know. This meditation helps cultivate an attitude of serenity through any situation. Learn this technique from Mindbliss’ Guided Meditation.

Vedic Meditation also known as Transcendental Meditation or Mantra Meditation, uses verbalisation or mantras to focus on. Select Mantra guided meditations from mindbliss library to experience new awareness.

Self-Love & Self-Care - When you love and care for yourself, you can easily let go of things, ideas, places you no longer need. Care for your mind, body, and Soul with guided meditation. Self love and self care are all about honoring your Truth and who you are.

Visualization meditation, also called Guided Visualization, is a type of meditation that uses your imagination. You will be guided through an experience, such as walking into the forest to promote relaxation or perhaps even visualizing success in a relationship or career move as a way to accomplish goals.

Sleep Sounds - Meditation for sleep calms the mind by allowing it to focus on the present moment through breath and body awareness. Meditation increases the brain waves which induce sleep such alpha, theta, and delta and decrease beta waves, which can cause insomnia.

Sound Healing uses bowls, gongs, nature sounds and other instruments to create vibrations that helps you focus and relax. Sound healing meditation can help relieve depression, anxiety, and stress as it is very calming for the mind and nervous system.

Breathing Exercises - Your brain activity fluctuates in sync with breathing. Breathing also impacts the amygdala, which controls how we handle emotions. Use Guided Breathing Exercises to increase your wellness and calm your nervous system.

Focus - Guided meditation techniques work on improving our attention spans. But research has shown that it can help train our minds from wandering and better yet, the effects of this training can last for years.

Positive Affirmations - The reward centers of the brain associated with pleasure were activated in participants who practiced self-affirmations. Use the positive affirmation in our Guided Meditation to build your superpower.

and more Guided Meditations...

⦁ Curated meditations from the best teachers
⦁ Save your meditations for offline listening
⦁ Track your progress and grow
⦁ Save your favorites and build your own playlist

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There are no contracts or commitments when you sign up. You can cancel anytime from within the app. Future payments for the following month upon cancellation will not be billed to you.

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