Light of the Stars is a new strategy card RPG that draws players into a world shaped by celestial power and conflict. Put on your thinking hats or assume the role of a hero, this new game has mixed elements of RPG and strategy, giving both casual or dedicated players something to chew on. In this review, we’ll be diving deep into this game and finding out more about what it has to offer.

What’s it about?

The game’s plot revolves around a post-apocalyptic scenario where the heir of the Solar Empire is wrongfully accused of treason. Amidst this chaos, the heir must navigate through a war-torn landscape, striving to reclaim the empire and end the calamity by harnessing the powers of heroes linked to the constellations. The game is set in a beautifully chaotic world that has been reshaped by divine forces, offering a rich backdrop for strategic battles.

Stunning Visuals, Strategic Gameplay

The game stands out for its visually impressive 3D battle graphics combined with fantastic hand-drawn 2D artwork for characters and the UI, and a gameplay system that emphasizes strategic planning and unit management. When played on PC with BlueStacks, players can take their experience to the next level by playing at a silky smooth 120 FPS, as well as getting access to a variety of tools to further enhance their experience. Players engage in battles by deploying heroes who possess unique abilities influenced by their star-sign affiliations. These battles require careful consideration of hero positions and environmental factors, adding layers of strategic depth. The game also features a rewarding gacha system, extensive character upgrades, and dynamic PvP arena battles. With its combination of strategic gameplay, stunning visuals, and a deeply engaging narrative, Light of the Stars promises a robust gaming experience.

Adventures Amidst a Broken World

The game begins in the aftermath of a great war, where the once-mighty Solar Empire is left fractured, and its heir falsely accused of treason. This accusation sets the stage for the main narrative, driving the heir to flee the capital in a dramatic escape that marks the beginning of a quest for justice and restoration. This escape is also where you meet your first few playable characters, which will accompany throughout your entire adventures and will be your bread and butter for the first few chapters of the game, at least until you start recruiting some top tier characters.

Light of the Stars Review - A New Strategy Card Game Available on PC with BlueStacks

The heir’s journey is not just about survival; it’s a quest to gather allies and reclaim lost honor. As players navigate through the game’s expansive world, they encounter various heroes representing the stars—each with their own stories and powers. The open world outside the capital offers a stark contrast to the initial confines of the palace, presenting both a sense of freedom and the danger that comes with an untamed land riddled with enemies and secrets.

Light of the Stars Review - A New Strategy Card Game Available on PC with BlueStacks

Throughout the game, the setting shifts from besieged cities to mystical landscapes, reflecting the ongoing struggle between the remnants of old powers and the emerging new order. This dynamic backdrop not only enhances the gameplay experience but also deepens the narrative, making each player’s actions feel impactful and essential to the unfolding story. Not to mention that it just looks cool, especially when played on BlueStacks at a stunning 120 FPS, as you’ll visit many different locations, both inhabited and thriving as well as abandoned and decadently exquisite. 

The Best Gameplay Experience on PC with BlueStacks

We’ve already mentioned a few of the benefits of playing Light of the Stars on PC with BlueStacks already, such as the silky smooth frame rate, and the wide variety of features that our Android app player offers, among others. However, let’s take a bit of a closer look here since these benefits are true game changers in every sense.

Inherently, BlueStacks lets you play on a much larger screen since you’ll be playing on a PC or laptop instead of a phone or tablet. In this sense, the game’s vivid 3D combat graphics are more impressive and allow players to truly appreciate the beautiful animations and colorful battle effects. As mentioned before, BlueStacks lets players crank up the graphical settings of their games to the max without the mobile issues of overheating, battery drainage, and accelerated wear. In other words, you can play for as long as you want without fear of your cellphone dying, AND with the best visuals.

Light of the Stars Review - A New Strategy Card Game Available on PC with BlueStacks

Beyond these base benefits, BlueStacks offers a variety of tools and features that significantly improve gameplay. The Keymapping Tool, for instance, allows for more precise control, making it easier to execute complex strategies during battle. The Instance Manager facilitates efficient rerolling or managing multiple accounts, which can be a game-changer for players looking to optimize their start without the tediousness typically associated with such processes on mobile devices.

For more details on how to utilize these features to enhance your Light of the Stars experience, check out our BlueStacks Features guide. By harnessing the power of BlueStacks, you can transform a standard mobile gaming session into a richer, more immersive adventure.

Strategic and Thrilling Combat

Light of the Stars introduces players to an interesting yet familiar strategy card combat system where the tactical deployment of units is crucial to securing victory. At a glance, the combat system is reminiscent of Clash Royale and similar styles of games. At the heart of the game’s mechanics is the energy resource that regenerates over time, dictating the pace at which players can deploy their units onto the field. Each unit has a specific energy cost, and managing this resource effectively becomes a key element of the game’s strategy.

Light of the Stars Review - A New Strategy Card Game Available on PC with BlueStacks

As units are deployed, they automatically march toward the enemy’s objective. The journey isn’t straightforward, as the battlefield is populated with both enemy units and various obstacles that affect the progression of your troops. The game features a diverse roster of units, each falling into categories such as melee, ranged, and fliers. Melee units excel in close combat, ranged units offer the advantage of attacking from a distance, and fliers can bypass ground obstacles entirely, providing strategic flexibility in how players approach the layout of the battlefield. Moreover, units can specialize in single-target damage, or AoE counterparts, adding even more strategic depth to their deployment.

Fliers are particularly versatile, as they can be deployed outside the player’s current area of influence, allowing for tactical placements that can disrupt the enemy’s plans or fortify a weak point in your own defenses. This variety in unit capabilities encourages players to think critically about unit composition and placement, adapting their strategies to the evolving conditions of the battlefield.

Light of the Stars Review - A New Strategy Card Game Available on PC with BlueStacks

As players progress through the game, they unlock new characters and abilities, each adding layers to the strategic depth of the game. Upgrading these characters not only enhances their combat effectiveness but also unlocks new tactical options, ensuring that the gameplay remains engaging and challenging. The strategic possibilities expand further as players delve deeper into the game, constantly testing their decision-making skills and adaptability.

An Ample Roster of Unique and Interesting Characters

Light of the Stars stands out not only for its strategic gameplay but also for its rich character variety and depth. At launch, the game features a roster of 51 unique characters, each with distinct skill sets, combat styles, and statistical profiles that cater to different tactical needs on the battlefield. However, the appeal of these characters extends beyond their utility in combat.

Light of the Stars Review - A New Strategy Card Game Available on PC with BlueStacks

Each hero in the game is not just a tool for battle but is also a fully developed character with a personal backstory and individual arcs. These stories can be progressively uncovered as players increase their friendship levels with each character. This system adds a layer of RPG-like character development that enriches the player’s engagement with the game. As players invest time and resources into their favorite heroes, they not only enhance their abilities in battle but also unlock new layers of narrative content that provide insights into the characters’ motivations, fears, and ambitions.

The character-driven narratives are designed to be engaging, offering players the opportunity to connect with their heroes on a deeper level. This approach encourages more personalized gameplay experiences and fosters a greater emotional investment in the outcomes of the battles. As players deepen their relationships with these characters, they find that these heroes are not merely soldiers in a war but complex individuals with compelling stories worth exploring.

A Generous and Rewarding Summoning System

Light of the Stars features a particularly generous summoning system that significantly benefits newcomers, making it an ideal entry point for players new to the strategy card battle genre. Early in the game, players are given a free 10x summon, providing a robust start by adding multiple heroes to their roster almost immediately. This initial boost is quickly followed by another 10x summon after a brief period of resource farming, allowing players to rapidly expand their collection of heroes.

The generosity extends into the game’s progression through Chapter 2, where players can accumulate enough resources for an infinite 10x summon. This mechanic lets players continually summon until they secure the specific character they desire, which is a rare feature in mobile gacha games. Such a system is particularly appealing to players interested in rerolling in Light of the Stars, as it enables them to fine-tune their teams early on, ensuring that they have the strongest possible lineup as they venture deeper into the game.

Light of the Stars Review - A New Strategy Card Game Available on PC with BlueStacks

This summoning strategy is not only beginner-friendly but also highly appreciated by veteran players, as it reduces the randomness typically associated with gacha mechanics and provides more control over team composition. The approach aligns well with the strategic nature of the game, where having the right combination of heroes can be pivotal to success in both PvE and PvP battles.

To maximize your experience with Light of the Stars, consider playing on BlueStacks. This platform allows you to enjoy the game on a bigger screen with enhanced graphics and more precise controls. Additionally, BlueStacks offers many tools and features that make tasks like rerolling simpler and more efficient, enhancing your strategic options and gameplay enjoyment. Start your celestial adventure in Light of the Stars on BlueStacks today and take full advantage of these exclusive features.