In our review, we stated that Days Of Empire: Heroes Never Die game has two main mechanics. Constructing buildings and increasing their levels are the most important features of the game. If you use these two mechanics correctly, you can own the largest kingdom in the game. However, as can be expected, this is not an easy task: There are many buildings in Days Of Empire: Heroes Never Die, and each one works differently. Finding the most important of these requires you to play the game for days. We decided to prepare this guide to shorten this time and give you a quick start: Below, you can find detailed information about the most important buildings in Days Of Empire: Heroes Never Die.

Days of Empire: Heroes Never Die Buildings Guide

The Most Important Buildings You Need To Construct

To construct a building in Days Of Empire: Heroes Never Die, you first need to find an empty spot. The spots where buildings can be constructed on are square-shaped and the build menu opens when you click on them. If you don’t have enough free spots, you can create new construction sites by cutting down trees around your kingdom. As the level of your palace rises, you will also notice that some spots open automatically. In any case, there is a limit to the number of spots you can construct on and you have to make wise choices. You should use the available spots for the buildings that will give you the most benefits.

Days of Empire: Heroes Never Die Buildings Guide

You can open new construction spots in this area for just 5,000 grain.

We will examine buildings in two basic categories: Resource production and army training buildings.

Resource Production Buildings

Resources in the game consist of grain, lumber, and precious metals. You can upgrade each building up to level 30. Each building can store up to a certain amount of resources, so you don’t need to build a separate warehouse. The buildings you need to construct to get resources are:

  1. Farm: The building that will produce grain. Build at least 5 of them and upgrade them all to the last level. Grain is an important resource, especially in the early game phase. A level 30 Farm allows you to produce and store 60,000 grain.

Days of Empire: Heroes Never Die Buildings Guide

  1. Lumber Mill: This building allows you to produce lumber, and just like grain, this is an important resource in the early game phase. Therefore, we recommend that you build at least 5.

Days of Empire: Heroes Never Die Buildings Guide

  1. Iron Mine: When your castle reaches level 10, you will be able to construct this building. Iron is an important resource in the mid-game phase and is also important in terms of army training. When your castle reaches level 15, you must have constructed at least 5 of this building.
  2. Quartz Mine: This resource, which is required at the end game phase, can be built after your castle reaches level 15. We recommend that you build at least 5 of these. Quartz is a valuable resource and you need it consistently in the end game phase.

Days of Empire: Heroes Never Die Buildings Guide

If you don’t have enough space to construct all these buildings, you can forgo some of the buildings you have. For example, when you reach the end-game stage, you won’t need much of the grain and wood because you will have already saved tons. By destroying a few of these you can get the space required to build iron and quartz mines. At this point, you have to act according to your needs. Whatever resource you need, act accordingly.

Army Training Buildings

These buildings are used only for training different types of soldiers. All of them are of great importance to increase your army power, because if you do not have a strong army, you will be attacked and won’t be able to benefit from the resources on the world map. The level of military buildings can also be increased up to 30. The most important military buildings you should constrict are:

  1. Barracks: When you start the game, you will have to construct this building first. The barracks are used to train soldiers of the “infantry” class and you can unlock a different infantry type at each level. For example, you will start producing “Shield Infantry” at level 30. Although they are not very powerful, the infantry class will be the first to counter attacks and therefore is of great importance. Build at least 2 barracks and train infantry constantly.

Days of Empire: Heroes Never Die Buildings Guide

  1. Target Range: The building where the “archer” class soldiers are trained. Archers are one of the rare ranged soldier types in the game and their health points are very low, meaning they almost die the moment they are attacked. However, they have abilities that can attack very quickly and deal heavy damage. Keep training archers in sync with the infantry: You will always need these two soldier types.

Days of Empire: Heroes Never Die Buildings Guide

  1. Stable: You use this building to train “cavalry” class soldiers. They are basically mounted archers & infantry and are capable of high damage. You have to use a lot of resources to train cavalry, but it’s worth it. An army supported by cavalries becomes almost invincible. You only need to construct one of this building, but there is no limit in cavalry numbers: As long as you have enough resources, keep training them.
  2. Workshop: You just need to construct one of this building and train a few of each unlocked unit. The workshop is used to manufacture siege units and they are especially useful when attacking other cities. They are too slow to use against a moving army, but there are no walls that can stand them. If you are thinking of trying PvP and attacking other kingdoms, you should definitely add siege units to your army.

Days of Empire: Heroes Never Die Buildings Guide

There are other military buildings you can construct too, but just focus on these four until you reach the midgame stage. The important thing is that you don’t get caught off guard until you have enough resources. When you reach the end-game stage, you must already have built at least one of all military buildings.

In addition, don’t forget to upgrade the “Institute” building. The institute comes already built, so all you have to do is level up. In this building, you can do a lot of research that will improve both your city and your army, and the higher the level of the building, the more research you can do. We recommend that you focus on “City Development” and “Military” categories first. Complete all research that will increase the speed of construction and training.

Days of Empire: Heroes Never Die Buildings Guide

These are the most important buildings you need to know in Days Of Empire: Heroes Never Die. By just focusing on them, you can reach the midgame phase without any problems. Please don’t forget to increase the level of each building you construct: This is the most common mistake beginners make. In fact, in some cases, increasing the level of a building is more beneficial than building a new one. You can learn more about expanding your kingdom by reading other Days Of Empire: Heroes Never Die guides we have prepared.