Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG is a captivating new mobile RPG that seamlessly blends idle game mechanics with immersive role-playing elements. Set in a rich fantasy world, it offers players the chance to embark on an exciting journey, featuring strategic battles, a wide variety of mysterious and interesting heroes, and an entertaining narrative. The game’s unique AFK system ensures progress and rewards even when players are offline, making it ideal for both casual and dedicated gamers.

BlueStacks Beginner's Guide to the New Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG

In this beginner’s guide, we will explore the essentials of Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG. We’ll cover the combat mechanics, the innovative AFK system, the diverse hero roster and upgrade systems, and the overarching story progression. This guide aims to provide newcomers with all the necessary knowledge to get a strong start in the game, while also serving as a handy reference for returning players.

Let’s begin!

Elevate Your Gameplay Experience on PC With BlueStacks

Playing Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG on PC with BlueStacks can significantly enhance your gaming experience. Our powerful Android app player allows you to enjoy this captivating mobile RPG on a larger screen with superior graphics, elevating the visual appeal and immersion of the game. This platform offers several features that optimize gameplay and add convenience for players.

One of the standout features of playing Magic Chronicle on BlueStacks is the keymapping tool. This tool allows you to assign specific keyboard shortcuts to in-game actions, streamlining skill usage and combat interactions. The ability to quickly and efficiently deploy skills using a keyboard can give players an edge in battles, especially when timing and precision are crucial.

BlueStacks Beginner's Guide to the New Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG

Another significant advantage of using BlueStacks is the Instance Manager. This feature lets you run multiple instances of the game simultaneously, which can be a game-changer for players who manage multiple accounts. It not only allows for playing on different accounts at the same time but also significantly streamlines the process of rerolling. Rerolling, a popular strategy in many RPGs, involves restarting the game to unlock the best characters from the start. With the Instance Manager, you can expedite this process, increasing your chances of securing powerful heroes early in your journey.

Understanding the Combat System

The combat system in Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG is a dynamic and engaging aspect of the game that unfolds in real-time. As players journey through various stages, they encounter enemies in battles that require both strategy and timing. The characters in the player’s team engage enemies automatically, using their primary skills to attack. However, the real depth of the combat system lies in the management of ultimate skills.

BlueStacks Beginner's Guide to the New Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG

As characters attack, they gradually fill their ultimate gauges. Once these gauges are full, players can unleash powerful ultimate skills by clicking on the character’s portrait. Timing and strategic use of these ultimate skills are crucial, especially in advanced stages where they can significantly impact the outcome of a battle. Choosing the right moment to deploy these game-changing abilities can turn the tide in challenging encounters.

For players seeking a more hands-off approach, particularly in less demanding battles, there’s an option to set combat to automatic. In this mode, the CPU takes over, handling the deployment of skills and managing the combat. This feature is particularly useful for efficiently navigating through easier levels or for multitasking players who wish to progress in the game while attending to other tasks.

BlueStacks Beginner's Guide to the New Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG

As players advance to the endgame, the goal shifts towards building a team so powerful that it can predominantly rely on automatic combat. Reaching this level of strength and synergy among heroes is a gradual process, requiring careful selection and upgrading of characters. While the journey to a predominantly auto-combat endgame team takes time and strategy, it’s a rewarding experience that showcases the player’s mastery of team composition and understanding of the game’s mechanics.

Unlocking and Upgrading Your Heroes

Unlocking and upgrading heroes in Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG is a central aspect of the game, providing players with the means to enhance their team’s strength and abilities. After progressing through the initial stages and clearing stage 2-1, players gain access to the Main City. This hub is the heart of the game, hosting several critical facilities, including the Bookhouse, which is key to expanding your hero roster.

The Bookhouse houses the game’s gacha system, where players can use Summon Cards to acquire new heroes. Each Summon Card costs 300 stargems, but for players looking to maximize their chances, the game offers a bulk summon option. By opting for a 10x summoning, you spend only 2,700 stargems, effectively receiving one summon for free. This mechanic is crucial for players aiming to build a diverse and powerful team.

BlueStacks Beginner's Guide to the New Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG

Once you’ve acquired new heroes, upgrading them becomes your next priority. The process is straightforward: select your desired hero from the Hero menu and choose to increase their level by spending Copper Coins and Hero EXP. This can be done up to the current level cap. To push beyond this cap, players must use Flashing Stardust, along with Hero EXP and Copper Coins, to “breakthrough” their character. This breakthrough not only increases the hero’s level cap but also unlocks new skills and provides a permanent stat boost.

In addition to leveling up, equipping your heroes with gear is vital for enhancing their capabilities. Gear can significantly boost a hero’s stats, and the game offers a “Quick Wear” option for convenience, automatically outfitting your hero with the best available gear. It’s essential to regularly check and update your heroes’ equipment, especially in the early stages of the game, to ensure they are always at their strongest.

BlueStacks Beginner's Guide to the New Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG

By understanding and utilizing these systems for unlocking and upgrading heroes, players can build a formidable team capable of tackling the challenges that Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG has to offer.

Main Story Progression and Sidequests

Magic Chronicle unfolds across a series of engaging stages and chapters, making the main story progression a captivating journey for players. By selecting “Mainline Battle” in the Campaign section, you’re led to the next combat stage in your current chapter. Each stage you clear not only rewards you with valuable items but also unravels more of the game’s rich storyline.

BlueStacks Beginner's Guide to the New Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG

The importance of progressing through the main campaign cannot be overstated. It’s the primary method for unlocking new game features and receiving some of the best rewards available. Furthermore, advancing through the campaign stages directly enhances the benefits you receive from the AFK system. As you conquer more stages, the hourly rewards from this system increase, boosting your resource production and aiding your overall progression. As such, players are encouraged to push as far as they can in the story until they encounter a difficulty wall. At this point, grinding for resources to strengthen your team becomes essential to continue advancing.

BlueStacks Beginner's Guide to the New Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG

Magic Chronicle also features a robust system of daily and weekly tasks, providing players with consistent objectives and rewards. These tasks, which refresh daily and weekly, are crucial for steady progression in the game. They offer a reliable source of important rewards and materials necessary for upgrading your heroes and equipment. Therefore, if your playing time is limited, prioritizing these tasks is highly recommended. They ensure that you’re maximizing your efficiency and continuing to progress in the game, even with shorter play sessions. By balancing main story progression with these daily and weekly tasks, players can effectively advance in Magic Chronicle, enjoying both the narrative and the strategic aspects of the game.

The AFK System

The AFK system in Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG is a staple feature in this genre of gacha RPGs that allows players to generate resources even while offline, embodying the essence of an idle game. This system ensures that your adventure and progression continue, even when you’re not actively playing.

To collect these AFK rewards, players simply need to click on the kitty located in the campaign screen. This action will grant you all the resources accumulated during your absence, with the amount depending on the time elapsed since your last collection. The beauty of this system is its simplicity and efficiency, providing a steady stream of resources essential for upgrading heroes and progressing through the game.

BlueStacks Beginner's Guide to the New Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG

An important aspect of the AFK system is that the quantity of resources generated is directly tied to your progress in the main story. As you advance through the chapters, the rate at which you accumulate these rewards increases. This correlation emphasizes the importance of pushing forward in the campaign, as it not only unlocks new features and rewards but also enhances your resource generation capabilities.

However, it’s crucial to note that there is a cap on the AFK rewards. After a certain period, the accumulation of resources reaches its limit, and any potential rewards beyond this threshold are not stored. This cap underscores the importance of regularly claiming your AFK rewards. By doing so, you ensure that you’re always maximizing your resource production and not missing out on any potential gains. Regularly checking in and claiming these rewards will help maintain a consistent flow of resources, crucial for the continuous strengthening of your team and progression in Magic Chronicle.

As you set out on your journey through the enchanting world of Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG, remember that playing on BlueStacks can significantly enhance your gaming experience. With its superior graphics on a larger screen, convenient keymapping for skill deployment, and the ability to manage multiple instances of the game, BlueStacks is the ideal platform for both new and seasoned players. So, make sure to experience the full potential of Magic Chronicle on BlueStacks, where your adventure becomes even more immersive and efficient. Happy gaming!