Spring Trees Live Wallpaper

Spring Trees Live Wallpaper

Personalização | Adermark Media

Jogue no PC com BlueStacks - A Plataforma de Jogos Android, confiada por mais de 500 milhões de jogadores.

Página modificada em: 20 de agosto de 2014

Play Spring Trees Live Wallpaper on PC

Spring flowering trees that gently sway while petals fly in the air carried by the wind. Clouds and the sun move over the sky that shifts color dynamically according to the time of day. As the night slowly falls the moon appears clearer and clearer until fully visible at midnight. The day starts with a dazzling sunrise around 6 am by the lower left corner and ends with a magnificent sunset in the other corner around 6 pm. You can also adjust sunrise and sunset times according to your own taste.

While the free version is beautiful, ad-free and fully functional, many settings are locked. The full version is highly customizable:

- select background (rape field, mount fuji or meadow)
- select foreground flowers
- select flower count
- select tree (pink sakura, white cherry tree or magnolia)
- set tree size
- set ground level
- set number of petals
- set petal size
- set any time of day (colors and light change)
- or use dynamic real time mode
- set sunrise time
- set sunset time
- option to use GPS once a day to determine location and automatically calculate sunrise and sunset times, in order to make the sun move similar to the real sun in your location
- change wind speed
- set star count
- set night sky brightness
- set night light intensity
- set position and size of the moon
- set rotation speed of the sun
- show/hide the sun
- show/hide high clouds
- show/hide low clouds
- toggle silhouette mode
- use true color (24 bit)

This live wallpaper is OpenGL based. This means that animations and graphics will flow much smother than if it was using the CPU. It also means that the phone's CPU is not working, giving much less impact on overall phone performance. The wallpaper is only active when visible, so battery consumption is very insignificant.

Photo credits (flickr users)

Magnolia: Tom Brandt
Sakura: gardener41
Cherry Tree: gardener41
Meadow: Nicholas_T
Daffodils: Mark Robinson
Grass: Maja Dumat
Rape field: Maja Dumat
Mount Fuji: IvanWalsh.com
Moon: Luis Argerich

Thanks for the creative commons licenses!

Jogue Spring Trees Live Wallpaper no PC. É fácil começar.

  • Baixe e instale o BlueStacks no seu PC

  • Conclua o login do Google para acessar a Play Store ou faça isso mais tarde

  • Procure por Spring Trees Live Wallpaper na barra de pesquisa no canto superior direito

  • Clique para instalar Spring Trees Live Wallpaper a partir dos resultados da pesquisa

  • Conclua o login do Google (caso você pulou a etapa 2) para instalar o Spring Trees Live Wallpaper

  • Clique no ícone do Spring Trees Live Wallpaper na tela inicial para começar a jogar

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