Devil Fighter Dragon X

Devil Fighter Dragon X

動作遊戲 | Utkinadeveloper

在電腦上使用BlueStacks –受到5億以上的遊戲玩家所信任的Android遊戲平台。

網頁修改於: 2022年1月14日

Play Devil Fighter Dragon X on PC

Devil Fighter Dragon X with a lot of transformation. We support more than 100 transformation for all of characters and 30 bosses. If you need a devil fighter with very strong power then this is a game you need to download what support almost nice skills you will know kamehameha, spirit bomb, final flash, dragon recall ...

Fighting game with one boss per stage is a very simple gameplay what anyone can play in the first time they see

In game devil fighter dragon x you will choose one in five characters of dragon X, each character have a collection of super skills. Each skill will have the different power and damage, the player need to combine them to have the best fighting effect.

We support 22 transformation level for each character. Each transform will help the hero have the higher power and health, and refill their power and health. If you can transform to 22 level transformation then your power will be very strong, you can defeat any boss if you know how to fight.

We support power, strong, health and devil fighter dragon x also support gift box, senzu bean what can help hero refill health, refill power, increase power, maximum power, protection mode ...


- Eye catch nice graphic
- Easy to play game play
- Many characters support
- Many bosses support
- Game play service for leader board and achievement
- Many super skill support

在電腦上遊玩Devil Fighter Dragon X . 輕易上手.

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