Roterra - 翻转童话

Roterra - 翻转童话

Puzzle | digitgames

在電腦上使用BlueStacks –受到5億以上的遊戲玩家所信任的Android遊戲平台。

網頁修改於: 2019年10月30日

Play Roterra - Flip The Fairytale on PC

Once upon a time, a daring princess defied stereotypes and took her fate into her own hands. Roterra is a unique puzzle game about shifting perspective, set in a magical world where “up” is relative. Roterra uses a new game mechanic unlike anything you’ve played before.  
Tap, press and swipe to guide Princess Angelica to the exit of 80 hand-crafted puzzles. You may have to flip the world on its head to traverse this realm of cubes, transforming trees into pathways, flat walls into staircases and revealing a new path at every turn.  
Take your time and plan your moves: in this perception-challenging world, things are rarely as they seem, and the correct path is often not the most obvious one. 
Puzzles have multiple solutions, so you can play over and over. Can you find the rock spiders and other uniquely Roterran monuments? 
Roterra is a puzzle game about looking beyond the surface and changing perception. Angelica a willowy young girl in a world of hulking knights, is no damsel in distress: she controls powerful magic that allows her to manipulate the terrain to suit her purposes.  
Betrayed and abandoned in the forest, Angelica’s inner turmoil is reflected in the jumbled physical environment where paths don’t connect. As she overcomes these obstacles, she becomes empowered and learns that often the only way forward is to change your perspective.  
Learn more about Angelica and the 16th Century poem that inspired the game at 
▪ Original Game Mechanic with Intuitive Controls 
▪ 80 Clever, Hand-Crafted Puzzles across 20 Levels of Hand-Painted Environments 
▪ The Puzzles are part of the Story 
▪ No Ads, No Timers, Just a Fun Mechanic and Satisfying Puzzles 
▪ No Internet Connection Needed, Great for Commuting or Airplane Mode 
▪ “Go get it now, it’s fun” Heroes of Handheld podcast 
▪ 2019 Indie Megabooth Selection Pax East 
▪ “I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it”-App Unwrapper

在電腦上遊玩Roterra - 翻转童话 . 輕易上手.

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  • 在首頁畫面中點擊 Roterra - 翻转童话 圖標來啟動遊戲
