麻將天下: 手機甩牌最過癮!

麻將天下: 手機甩牌最過癮!

Board | Gamemiracle

在電腦上使用BlueStacks –受到5億以上的遊戲玩家所信任的Android遊戲平台。

網頁修改於: 2019年3月15日

Play Mahjong World 2: Learn real Mahjong & Win on PC

Features :
@ “Blind Touch” will be your favours! It's completely free! Play all day!
@ "Daily Mission/Achievement", no boring time!
@ Compete with global players for different rankings, match rankings, daily maximum scores…
@ You can watch and learn other player's "Mahjong Record" from the leaderboard
@ Not only record your personal achievements, also you can share your winning hand to friends.
@ A variety of rules, mahjong world, World of Mahjong Series.
@ Weekly competition, competes with global players for the first place in the world.
@ "Offline Game", you can play even you are on the Air !
@ "A.I. Pattern discard suggestion" will highlight and provide teaching for the possible patterns & how to form them.
@ "A.I. tile discard suggestion" will suggest a tile and highlighted for discard which based on the fastest winning possibility.
@ "Ready Hand Info" Tap & Hold the red arrow tile will display the tile you need for “Mahjong”, how many are left and the Fan (score).
@ Keep updating more new features

"Mahjong World" uniquely combines rules from Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese mahjong into the game, and makes mahjong more varied and challenging.

Chinese Mahjong(Mah-jong) also knowns as Mahjongg(Mah jongg).

Website : http://www.mahjongworld.com.hk/index_e.htm

在電腦上遊玩麻將天下: 手機甩牌最過癮! . 輕易上手.

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