Volleyball Stats

Volleyball Stats

ألعاب رياضية | Hayava, Inc

العب على الكمبيوتر الشخصي مع BlueStacks - نظام أندرويد للألعاب ، موثوق به من قبل أكثر من 500 مليون لاعب.

تم تعديل الصفحة في: 24 فبراير 2015

Play Volleyball Stats on PC

Track up to 15 player's stats for your team for up to 5 games per match.
SA-service ace,
SE-service error,
S-total servers,
E-hitting errors,
BHE-ball handling error,
DigErr-Digs Error,
SR-service reception,
RE-receiving error,
BS-block solo,
BA-block assist,
BE-block error.

Season Stats for a single Match or for the entire Season.

**** Serve Receive Rating (0 - 3) *********
These buttons are hidden by Default.

- To Show them, you must go to the Preferences and Check on the SHOW Rating Buttons.

- To Auto Increment the SR/SRE based on the rating, Check on the Increment SR/SRE auto on rating option.


- Ability to IMPORT/EXPORT game and team roster files.

- New Preferences menu option which allows the setting of button row colors and auto increment of serve Stat

-The Abbreviations on the buttons can be changed via the Preference settings.

-You can save the match at any point and reload it later for viewing.

-Send a short email of just team stats or longer version which includes all player stats in a CSV (semi-colon delimited) file for importing into excel

-Quickly sub player in/out of game by long clicking ICON.


Other Recent Changes
10/11 ver 2.71 - Corrects button color issue, reported by Leo in the comments.
08/21 ver 2.7 - corrects Stats not showing on zero point game.
04/23 ver 2.6 - correct decrement issue on SR3 button
03/18 ver 2.5 - First 9 chars of player's name display under icon - turn off or on via settings;
- Adds defaulting of name when saving team or game file.
02/18 ver 2.4 - Corrects force close issue loading saved games due to new rating buttons.
02/15 ver 2.3 - Adds Serve Receive Rating Buttons to the screen. See App Description for More Info on SETUP.
10/14 ver 2.1 - Format changes on Team Setup Page of Team Stats.
10/4 ver 2.07-Ability to auto increment serve on Ace/error, Ability to import/export Team and Game files.
10/1 ver 2.06-NOOK landscape correction for force close
9/29 ver 2.05 - Corrects DIG button on Tablet portrait view; Adds additional team stats on Team View page; Only allows you to remove stats for the set in MATCH view mode.
ver 2.04-corrections for decrement auto-score on THEM tab
ver 2.03-Added Digs Error to Stats keeping and Maxpreps rpt.
ver 2.02-Allow landscape, better tablet viewing
ver 2.01-Allow changing of team names; change Maxpreps to report player by sets played; allow viewing of stats by match or set
ver 2.0- Auto-score changes to support the other team; Reporting changes to only report sets played.

العب Volleyball Stats على جهاز الكمبيوتر. من السهل البدء.

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