

Role Playing | Komoe Game

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網頁修改於: 2020年11月25日

Play 死亡愛麗絲 on PC

"No matter what kind of end it will usher in..."

The latest work created by SQUARE ENIX and POKELABO!

SINoALICE —The worst "story" comes —

—The worst "story" woven by girls —

Nothing above, below, right, or left.
He was buried in books as far as he could.
This is a world called "Library"
A space governed by stories and language.

A scream can be heard.
You can hear the whimper.
Can hear ridicule.
The roar can also be heard.

Everything is the voice of the characters who appeared in the story.
Everything is a curse of inhuman things.

They have only one wish.
[Resurrect the author]
For this purpose,
Had to destroy all other characters.

No matter what kind of end it will usher in...

Characters rich in personality played by a lineup of luxurious voice actors

[Binding] Alice: M·A·O
[Justice] Snow White: Ueda Rena
[False] Hansel Gretel: Uchida Maari
[Dependence] Pinocchio: Three Bottles of Yufuko
[Battered] Kaguya Ji: Ito Jing
[Sleep] Sleeping Beauty: Bendu Maple
[Violence] Little Red Riding Hood: Tachibana Rika
【Despicable】Sendorilla: Kitamura Hideri
[Sorrow] Mermaid Princess: Noto Mamiko

From a strong world view × a unique soundtrack in many mobile games, a huge to dark and profound story is drawn

The story created by Yokoo Taro, the original creative director of the "Neil" series and "Dragon Knight", and the soundtrack created by Keiichi Okabe. MONACA created the unique richness of "Death Alice" Worldview.
※It is recommended that players use headphones to play the game.

▼Staggered story
The levels of this game are multi-interleaved modes where you can play exclusive stories for your favorite characters.
As the game unfolds, the stories of various characters will crisscross, gradually revealing the full picture of the story.

▼Weapon Story
In addition to characters, more than 150 weapons appearing in the game also have their own stories.
By cultivating the weapons you start with, you can liberate their stories.

▼Career Story
The characters appearing in the game can be transformed into different professional postures.
Through the career story, you can see the inner world of the characters.

Real-time combat/automatic mode

▼Real-time combat
The battle for this work is carried out instantly.
Players will work together with the characters they meet on the way to the story to defeat the enemies that block the way forward.

Fight with the companions you meet and challenge powerful enemies through rivalries.

▼Built-in automatic mode
This game also has an automatic mode that can automatically attack the enemy.
Even players who are not very good at fighting games can easily play the game.

在電腦上遊玩死亡愛麗絲 . 輕易上手.

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  • 完成Google登入後即可訪問Play商店,或等你需要訪問Play商店十再登入

  • 在右上角的搜索欄中尋找 死亡愛麗絲

  • 點擊以從搜索結果中安裝 死亡愛麗絲

  • 完成Google登入(如果您跳過了步驟2),以安裝 死亡愛麗絲

  • 在首頁畫面中點擊 死亡愛麗絲 圖標來啟動遊戲
