

Ferramentas | ITis GmbH

Jogue no PC com BlueStacks - A Plataforma de Jogos Android, confiada por mais de 500 milhões de jogadores.

Página modificada em: 19 de julho de 2019

Play WeeShare on PC

Organize your shared stuff!
WeeShare manages everything you share with other people.

Do you own a vehicle or a vacation home which is also being used by other people? Do you share your outdoor equipment or a studio with friends? Coordinate reservation requests and keep track of expenses and costs. Communicate with other users and let them know where the object is located. Invite more friends to share with WeeShare.

* Users: Share your item with dedicated users or make it publicly available.
* Settings: Describe your item, define rental fees and terms of use or lock it temporarily.
* Chat: Send messages to everyone using this item or get in touch with a specific user.
* Position: Specify an item location. Users may update its position if you allow it.
* Calendar: Check the availability of an item and add bookings.
* Expenses: Track your expenses and distribute them among all users.

* Sharing Economy / Collaborative Consumption
* Cohousing / Coworking
* Peer-to-peer Lending / Renting

Help us to improve our app:
Follow us on Twitter or Facebook:
https://twitter.com/WeeShareApp (@WeeShareApp)

WeeShare is a web application. Depending on your phone and its Android version there could be performance issues. If you are experiencing troubles, please let us know by telling us your phone brand and OS version (Settings > About > Model number & Android version).

Jogue WeeShare no PC. É fácil começar.

  • Baixe e instale o BlueStacks no seu PC

  • Conclua o login do Google para acessar a Play Store ou faça isso mais tarde

  • Procure por WeeShare na barra de pesquisa no canto superior direito

  • Clique para instalar WeeShare a partir dos resultados da pesquisa

  • Conclua o login do Google (caso você pulou a etapa 2) para instalar o WeeShare

  • Clique no ícone do WeeShare na tela inicial para começar a jogar

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