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網頁修改於: 2021年2月20日

Play 禍Magatsu-感動日本150萬人RPG大作 on PC

Blame Magatsu-New Expansion Film "Old Capital Fire" New Chapter Appears
(Original. Script: Ikuta Miwa, Music: Yokoyama Katsu, Character Design: Third Echoes)
~Between misfortune and reality, an annual masterpiece that touched 1.5 million people in Japan~

Misfortune and Reality-Old City Fire Chapter 2021 new revision
First look at the heavy revision content
1. The second chapter of the main story-the old capital fire chapter-new characters debut
2. Brand-new profession: open the third-turn profession and move towards the peak of full-time
3. Brand new level equipment: Super presence II new equipment waiting for you to collect
4. Ultra-enhanced function implementation: visit mobile enhancement, captain weapon derivation system to create exclusive weapons and equipment

Blame Magatsu-New Expansion Film "Old Capital Fire" New Chapter Appears
1. Brilliant epic Japanese RPG, Japan's top production team
(Original. Script: Ikuta Miwa, Music: Yokoyama Katsu, Character Design: Third Echoes)

2. Between light and reality, 1.5 million people moved to tears – full voice performance by well-known voice actors
(CV: Riki Koyama, Ayako Kawasumi, Tomoyuki Morikawa, Tetsuya Kakihara, Miyuki Sawajo, Kosuke Toriumi, Tomokazu Sugita, Sudo Shouma, Ishihi Erihana, Onito Akira, Uchida Marie, Yuki Bi)

3. The six mobile corps, captains and partners fight together
(Online online real-time battle, team up with friends to defeat powerful enemies)

4. Target SS-level guilds and compete for the strongest glory
(Chat and sticker interaction at any time, members limited to fight together)

5. Stunning 3D Japanese characters and the most gorgeous animation
(Full of courageous sense of presence, easy operation and play with one button)

在電腦上遊玩禍Magatsu-感動日本150萬人RPG大作 . 輕易上手.

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