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網頁修改於: 2024年3月7日

Play 幻塔 on PC

"Phantom Tower" version 3.5 "Winter Radio Rhapsody" is now available.

Welcome to the magical world of Radio Girls. Will the pioneers sign a contract with me? Now is the wonderful moment, follow in the footsteps of Boulewe, experience magic and science, love and hope, and start a journey full of surprises in the Mirror City!
In this fantasy time and space, there are infinite possibilities. The pioneer team sets out again to explore every corner of Mirror City, solve puzzles and defeat the darkness!

【Absolutely free adventure】
The rain turns into a lake, and the wind and snow are picturesque. Entering the world of "Fantasy Tower", the beautiful scenery is visible and accessible. Whether climbing with bare hands, gliding with technology, or riding on a vehicle, there is a brand new scenery hidden around every corner. Every ruin and ruin has its own story. In the eyes of every pioneer, he will see a different world.

【New Mimicry Appears】
"Do you believe it? In a world we have never set foot on, there is still pure beauty and incredible magic blessing us!"
The fantasy-loving science girl "Bullevi" has made a magical contract with the big devil (supervisor) to fight against the dark future (lack of funds) together. What will happen to their future? Stay tuned for next time! The intertwined wishes and promises are as indestructible as diamonds!

[Beyond professional shackles]
In the world of "Phantom Tower", you will not be defined by your profession. Whether you want to be the vanguard of the team or a reliable backup firepower depends on the weapons in your hands. The "Phantom Time" triggered instantly by dodge the enemy at the critical moment, can even stop powerful enemies and reverse the situation of the battle in one fell swoop. Different enemies and creatures all have mutual weaknesses. The pioneers can control the enemies and play in their own style.

【Rebirth in a new world】
Dear pioneers, before venturing on Ada, reshape your appearance first!
The furry animal ears and heterochromatic pupils are like genetic resequencing. And this time, you will be perfectly reborn. Feel free to wear cyberpunk accessories to make your adventures look unique.

[Nine Domains of Immortal Cultivation World]
There is no "Illusion Tower" here, just like the empire of human civilization that has lasted for thousands of years - a world of good and evil.
It is a new era that human beings destroyed with their own hands and is reborn again.
The customs and customs of the Nine Territories are very different from those of Ashala Vera. Pioneers should not forget to stop and experience the leisurely scenery of the Nine Territories when they are adventuring!
Retrace the origin of the story by recalling the "god statue" and "star monument"!

"Tower of Fantasy" official fan group
Join the fan club now to get the latest news first and receive limited-time event gifts!
Join the official Discord of Fantasy Tower and become a pioneer together!

※This game is classified as auxiliary level 12 according to the game software classification management method.
※The plot of this game involves dating, violence, and inappropriate language.
※The plot of the game is purely fictitious, please pay attention to the time of use and do not indulge or imitate inappropriately.
※Some content requires additional payment. Do not use others to save it to avoid breaking the law.

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