

角色扮演 | HaoPlay Limited

在電腦上使用BlueStacks –受到5億以上的遊戲玩家所信任的Android遊戲平台。

網頁修改於: 2023年12月7日

Play 永恆冒險 on PC

[More than 20 million players worldwide]
[Common Memories Classic RPG Orthodox sequel]
Real-time combat RPG "Eternal Adventure"
Original towed battle! Flexible position! More than 70 featured heroes!

[All heroes, unique]
The original team of PC is dedicated to building more than 70 heroes.
Inherit the original role of the classic, join a number of new faces
5 big role types for you to match, set up a dedicated offensive and defensive team!

[various levels, multiple changes]
4 special modes, various challenge copies
Want to strengthen your hero and show your mobility!
Gathering: strengthening, evolution, breeding, awakening
Through the copy of the customs, search for all the dropped materials, awaken the strongest role

[Happy blow, classic restore]
Touch! Dragging! Skills!
Simple and flexible operation, gorgeous and powerful skill arrangement
It’s easy to bomb the enemy with one play.

[The survival of the fittest, the test of strategy]
According to different copy levels, make a suitable team!
Condense defense or high-intensity damage, organize your strongest adventure team!

[social interaction, refusal of stand-alone 】
Organize the strongest guild and meet the adventurers to return
Rich guild mode, social and competitive once satisfied
Up to 60 people can participate in the guild war!

在電腦上遊玩永恆冒險 . 輕易上手.

  • 在您的電腦上下載並安裝BlueStacks

  • 完成Google登入後即可訪問Play商店,或等你需要訪問Play商店十再登入

  • 在右上角的搜索欄中尋找 永恆冒險

  • 點擊以從搜索結果中安裝 永恆冒險

  • 完成Google登入(如果您跳過了步驟2),以安裝 永恆冒險

  • 在首頁畫面中點擊 永恆冒險 圖標來啟動遊戲
