RAID: Shadow Legends is celebrating their 5th anniversary in style! Telerians, get ready, as you are in for a massive treat with the advent of new events and tournaments. In the previous week, we were greeted by Armaanz the Magnificent in a short trailer that Plarium released for their 5th anniversary “Festival of Creation” update. RAID: Shadow Legends is available to be downloaded and installed as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.          

As the celebrations are in full swing, summoning events act as the cherry on top of the cake. Players can recruit their favourite legendary champions in a host of events designed specifically for the 5th anniversary. Naturally, many might be confused whether these events are good or just a cash grab. Do not worry, as we will delve deep into the events as well as the champions offered via them. Let’s begin!

Progressive Chance Summoning Event

Progressive chance summoning events are amazing for many players as they offer you an increased rate of getting specific champions from a given list. You can customize the legendary and epic grade champions you want to get at a higher rate. Keep in mind, the base chance of summoning the legendary and epic grade champions remains the same. This event will last only for a limited-time for 72 hours. 

Only if you are able to summon them, there will be an increased chance of the specific targeted champion to appear often. If you manage to summon either legendary or epic champion but it’s not the one available in the 10x, then the chance of those champions increases to 15X and 25X consequently. Hence, the name “progressive chance”.

For the current anniversary event, the legendary champions available for progressive chance are as follows:

  • Duchess Lilitu
  • Pythion
  • Mighty Ukko
  • Elva Autumnborn
  • Wight Queen Ankora
  • Arbiter
  • Belletar Mage-slayer
  • Rakka Viletide
  • Raglin

For the current anniversary event, the epic champions available for progressive chance are as follows:

  • Uugo
  • Rector Drath
  • Gorgorab
  • Godseeker Aniri
  • Ursala the Mourner

There are a ton of fantastic options in this summon pool for choosing which Champions to boost, and almost all of them will help your account. Since every account is unique, it’s difficult for us to recommend something specific without knowing what you currently have. If you see a key option missing, that is probably the best option for you. What we will do, though, is outline the champions we think are the “key picks” in this series of progressive summons.


Check out our review of the key legendary rarity champions available during this progressive chance event:

Duchess Lilitu – If you don’t already have her, or even if you want a second for other reasons, Duchess Lilitu is our top choice in this section.  One of the most adaptable legendaries in the game, she can lead teams through any type of content. In addition, she is one of the best champions for Arena Defense, keeping your team alive and allowing your damage dealers to “hide” behind her veil. She is particularly effective as the carry/support on an HP burn team, so she will be a great ally for you if you are having trouble getting past any obstacles.

Pythion – Pythion is all about supporting and protecting your team. When dead allies are revived, his a3 grants a Full Team revive with 50% HP and Turn Meter, as well as a 25% Strengthen buff to all allies. Even at the greatest arena stages, this ability can be used for Arena Defense because it won’t activate until an ally has perished. The A2 deals a 10% maximum HP heal that is increased by 5% for each debuff removed after a three-turn, AoE full debuff cleanse. 

RAID: Shadow Legends 5th Anniversary Brings a Host of Summoning Events

After that, all allies receive a Block Debuffs buff that lasts for two turns. incredibly strong to support your team while dealing with affinity problems in the clan boss or debuffs. The A1 is a double hitter that can prove to be useful for Clan Boss on top of healing low health allies.

Belletar – This is one of the best champions if you’re looking for a reviver. He can revive all dead allies on top of giving them a shield equal to 20% of his MAX HP. Belletar is also one of the best buffers in the game, as he is able to provide Attack and Defense buffs to all allies for 2 turns each. 

RAID: Shadow Legends 5th Anniversary Brings a Host of Summoning Events


Check out our review of the key epic rarity champions available during this progressive chance event:

Gorgorab – Gorgorab is a fantastic speed booster for Arena that you can use early on, but once you get Arbiter, he will become less effective and may even be limited to using him in Faction Wars and special circumstances.

Uugo and Rector Drath – Uugo emerges as the “best” choice here because of her versatility in almost every content area, but most importantly because of how strong she is for Hydra Clan Boss, with her Cleasing, Pseudo-Revives, Decrease DEF, and Block Buffs checking so many boxes in one Champion kit. Rector Drath and Uugo lose their value much later in the game.

RAID: Shadow Legends 5th Anniversary Brings a Host of Summoning Events

Ursula the Mourner – In addition to being a fantastic filler option until you acquire Champions like Arbiter or Duchess Lilitu, Ursala is a great support player with a full-team revival. She is also very strong in Faction Wars and in niche content where you need epics with skills like hers.

Godseeker Aniri – Godseeker Aniri offers powerful revives, enormous healing, and buff extension. She also possesses a passive skill that lets her thrive in content like Sand Devil’s Necropolis, making her one of the most advantageous Epic Champions in the game in terms of support.

Play RAID: Shadow Legends on PC using BlueStacks for a smooth and lag-free gameplay experience.