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Jogue no PC com BlueStacks - A Plataforma de Jogos Android, confiada por mais de 500 milhões de jogadores.

Página modificada em: 27 de nov. de 2023

Play Dominoes on PC

Dominoes is definitely one of the most famous board game in the world. There are dozens of rules out there, but three modes are getting most of the attention:

- Draw dominoes: simple, relaxing, play your tiles on either side of the board. You only need to match the tile you have with one of the 2 ends already on the board.

- Block dominoes: basically the same as Draw Dominoes. The main difference is you have to pass your turn if you run out of options (whereas you can pick an extra domino from the boneyard in the previous mode).

- Dominoes All Five: slightly more complex. Each turn, you need to add all ends of the board, and count the number of pips on them. If it is a multiple of five, you score those points. A bit difficult at first but you will quickly get it!

Beautiful, simple, relaxing, easy to learn yet complex if you get to learn all the tricks! Will you be a Dominoes master?

Jogue Dominó no PC. É fácil começar.

  • Baixe e instale o BlueStacks no seu PC

  • Conclua o login do Google para acessar a Play Store ou faça isso mais tarde

  • Procure por Dominó na barra de pesquisa no canto superior direito

  • Clique para instalar Dominó a partir dos resultados da pesquisa

  • Conclua o login do Google (caso você pulou a etapa 2) para instalar o Dominó

  • Clique no ícone do Dominó na tela inicial para começar a jogar

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