Trac: The Anaesthetic Logbook

Trac: The Anaesthetic Logbook

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500M + oyuncunun güvendiği Android Oyun Platformu, BlueStacks ile PC'de oynayın.

Sayfa Değiştirilme tarihi: 8 Ağustos 2015

Genel Bakış

Trac is a new kind of anaesthetic logbook, designed to make recording your cases simple, quick and extremely flexible. Once you've created a patient within the logbook, the app allows you to build-in as many anaesthetics, procedures, critical incidents and reflections as you wish. Once you're done, all cases can be bundled into a Royal College of Anaesthetics (RCOA) compliant pdf for download.

The app has been developed and tested by UK anaesthetists and anaesthetic trainees, while the flexibility of adding cases allows its use outside of theatres - such as in ICU or pre-hospital medicine.

Quick and easy input:
● Modular design - add a patient, then build-up anaesthetics, procedures, and reflections on top
● Make the app your own - set your favourite operations, airways or regional blocks to have at your fingertips

Customised portfolio reports:
● Stats at a glance - view your latest anaesthetics and patient demographics from the homepage
● Beautiful reports - create stunning training summaries for your ARCP or appraisal

Log your cases anywhere:
● Widely compatible - import and export to other portfolio software (including RCOA logbook and iGasLog)
● Secure your data - back-up or export your logbook via email, Dropbox, Google Drive and more
● No internet connection required

FREE TRIAL EXTENDED - your first 25 records are completely free, after that it's just £1.99 per year.

Visit our homepage:

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View the app changelog:

Trac: The Anaesthetic Logbook oyununu PC'de oyna. Başlamak çok kolay.

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