Tower of Farming - idle RPG (Newbie)

Tower of Farming - idle RPG (Newbie)

Role Playing | Honeydew Games

500M + oyuncunun güvendiği Android Oyun Platformu, BlueStacks ile PC'de oynayın.

Sayfa Değiştirilme tarihi: 29 Kasım 2019

Play Tower of Farming - idle RPG (Newbie) on PC

[Premium Benefits]

▶▶▶ Start with newbie package ◀◀◀

[Characteristics of the game]

1. Living and breathing battle
Just standing at the appointed spot and cutting is not enough!
Enjoy a small and cute but dynamic battle lively!

2. Strategic battle
Identify the characteristics of various heroes and equipments and place them where you want them.
Let's turn the tide of the battle with your own strategy!

3. Over one hundred heroes
Let's identify the characteristics of various heroes who are full of personality and raise them.
The heroes who have grown up with great effort will never betray us!

4. Thousands of items
Collect, combine, and reinforce a variety of powerful items to put wings on my hero!

5. Fun of Farming
If you are good at farming, you can get all weapons and all heroes!
Farming today! Farming tomorrow, again!

■■■■■ Recommended point ■■■■■

- Easy operation (Tap Tap Tap), hottest battle action!
- Fun game!
- Challenge tower Defense!
- 16 vs 50↑ fight! - Monster Hunting, Boss Raid
- You like to grow party & hero!
- You can enjoy this game even idle play type!
- Various weapons, Various heroes, Various monsters, Various game modes
- End of the idle RPG

Tower of Farming - idle RPG (Newbie) oyununu PC'de oyna. Başlamak çok kolay.

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