How do Animals Work?

How do Animals Work?

Eğitim | Learny Land

500M + oyuncunun güvendiği Android Oyun Platformu, BlueStacks ile PC'de oynayın.

Sayfa Değiştirilme tarihi: 5 Mayıs 2021

Play How do Animals Work? on PC

What boy or girl is not fascinated by animals? Enjoy and learn while discovering seven vertebrates of the Amazon rainforest with all their systems - such as circulatory, nervous, and digestive - their skeleton, reproduction, and most amazing abilities.

Play and discover the macaws, electric eels, poison dart frog, spider monkey, anaconda, pink river dolphin, and jaguar with this educational and fun application ideal for the most curious users.

Explore the Amazon rainforest and some of its vertebrates: fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. With amazing animated and interactive illustrations.

Children learn by observing, making assumptions, playing, exploring, and asking questions in the app. No rules, no time limit, and no stress. Suitable for all ages!


• Discover vertebrates
• With beautiful and lively illustrations
• Explore the curious facts and abilities of each animal
• Watch how the frog catches its prey
• Learn about the skeleton and the names of bones
• Watch how the monkey uses its limbs
• Feed each animal
• Learn how fish breathe underwater
• Teach a parrot how to imitate your voice
• Discover how a dolphin uses echolocation to find its prey
• Try a jaguar's night vision
• Content for children aged three and up, games for the whole family
• No ads
• No in-app purchases or hidden extras


At Learny Land, we love to play, and we believe that games must form part of the educational and growth stage of all children; because to play is to discover, explore, learn and have fun. Our educational games help children learn about the world around them and are designed with love. They are easy to use, beautiful and safe. Because boys and girls have always played to have fun and learn, the games we make - like the toys that last a lifetime - can be seen, played and heard.
We create toys that could not have existed when we were young.
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We take Privacy very seriously. We do not collect or share personal information about your children or allow any type of third party ads. To learn more, please read our privacy policy at

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