Шляпа — угадывай слова с друзьями

Шляпа — угадывай слова с друзьями

Word | shlyapa-game

Spiele auf dem PC mit BlueStacks - der Android-Gaming-Plattform, der über 500 Millionen Spieler vertrauen.

Seite geändert am: 12. Juni 2019

Play The Hat — guess and explain words with friends on PC

"The Hat" game is a fun intellectual game for a company of friends to explain and guess words.

How many times did you want to play, but unwillingness to write words and mess around with papers stopped you? Now everything is in the past!
- it is not necessary to look for paper and a pen, you don’t need to invent anything, you can IMMEDIATELY play;
- during the turn it is not necessary to spend time on unfolding the paper;
- no need to understand someone's handwriting, now all words can be seen clearly;
- you can take "The Hat" in the bar or on the road!

What makes our application better:
- a unique, regularly updated dictionary of 13+ thousand words from the site shlyapa-game.ru;
- the ability to create your own dictionaries, and in the future to share them (now your favorite words will fall into the game);
- the possibility to draw players;
- the possibility of a team of three people;
- nice design and user-friendly interface;
- the ability to save game and load it later;
- the ability to play several rounds with the same words.

The process of the game:
In the first round, each participant tries to explain to his companion as many words as possible until the time for the turn is over. Нou cannot use words with the same root and any similar words. "The Hat" (phone) is passed between the players according to the sequence shown on the screen. The game continues until no words are left in the hat.

In the second round, players explain the words using only gestures and not saying anything out loud (as in the games "Crocodile" or "Mime"). In the explanations also can not use objects and indicate their color, shape, etc.

In the third round (1 option) ー player can use only one word to explain the word from the hat. (2 option) ー player needs to draw the word on a paper/whiteboard without using any gestures and not saying anything out loud. Player cannot draw letters.

The team that has the most explained words in total wins.

Spiele Шляпа — угадывай слова с друзьями auf dem PC. Der Einstieg ist einfach.

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