Tergar Meditation Tracker

Tergar Meditation Tracker

Sağlık ve Fitness | Tergar

500M + oyuncunun güvendiği Android Oyun Platformu, BlueStacks ile PC'de oynayın.

Sayfa Değiştirilme tarihi: 25 Şubat 2020

Play Tergar Meditation Tracker on PC

The Tergar Meditation Tracker app will help you start and maintain a regular meditation practice by tracking your sessions as you progress on the journey of training your mind.

Main features on this app:

* Timer – Set a time and choose your practice. Set the length of your session and add optional mid-session reminders to keep your meditation fresh.
* Counter – Every repetition counts. Record the exact number of your postrations or mantra recitations.
* Reminders – Short times, many times. Choose how many reminders you want throughout the day. Set the hours during which you'd like the reminders to appear and enter a favorite inspirational quote or practice instruction. (This feature is also compatible with Apple Watch.)
* Calendar – When training your mind, every step counts. Keep your practice log up-to-date by adding, changing, or removing sessions.
* Stats – Know where you are and where you're going. Track your meditation journey, compare your current streak with your best streak, and keep progressing towards your goal.
* Settings – One practice, many personalities. Choose the alert sounds that suit you best.
Security – Synchronize to save your sessions to the cloud. Your information will be with you anywhere, anytime, even if you switch devices.

The Tergar team hopes you enjoy the app. We'll keep improving it to make it an even better companion for your meditation practice.

Tergar Meditation Tracker oyununu PC'de oyna. Başlamak çok kolay.

  • BlueStacks'i PC'nize İndirin ve Yükleyin

  • Play Store'a erişmek için Google girişi yapın ya da daha sonraya bırakın.

  • Sağ üst köşeye Tergar Meditation Tracker yazarak arayın.

  • Tergar Meditation Tracker uygulamasını arama sonuçlarından indirmek için tıklayın.

  • (iEğer Adım 2'yi atladıysanız) Tergar Meditation Tracker uygulamasını yüklemek için Google'a giriş yapın.

  • Oynatmaya başlatmak için ekrandaki Tergar Meditation Tracker ikonuna tıklayın.

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