Morrowind Helper

Morrowind Helper

Książki i materiały źródłowe | Moon Sugar

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Strona zmodyfikowana w dniu: 30 września 2019

Play Morrowind Helper on PC

The app that will help you explore the world of the The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind!

Cannot find the right location or NPC for a very long time? Accustomed to markers, like in TES IV Oblivion or TES V Skyrim, but they are not in TES III Morrowind? Cannot find the best character build for the game? Want to create a cool potion or optimally enchant an item? Then this app is for you!

* Using the Quest function, see all the necessary NPCs or locations for your quest on the map! Total number of quests: 396 in Vvardenfell, 38 in Mornhold, 48 in Solstheim!
* Travel easily with Interactive Maps! Total number of locations: 430 in Vvardenfell, 25 in Mornhold, 63 in Solstheim!
* Make your character build with Character Planner!
* Alchemy Calculator will help you calculate Success Chance, Potion Cost and show all the effects of the potion.
* Enchant Calculator will help you calculate the Enchantment Points of a specific spell, Success Chance and Cast Cost.

Please read the full FAQ before using the app!

Do you have questions or did you find a bug? Write about it to me, indicating the name of the app in the letter topic!

The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind is owned by Bethesda Game Studios and Bethesda Softworks. Morrowind Helper is not affiliated with Bethesda Game Studios and Bethesda Softworks! This app is made by a fan for fans.

Zagraj w Morrowind Helper na PC. To takie proste.

  • Pobierz i zainstaluj BlueStacks na PC

  • Zakończ pomyślnie ustawienie Google, aby otrzymać dostęp do sklepu Play, albo zrób to później.

  • Wyszukaj Morrowind Helper w pasku wyszukiwania w prawym górnym rogu.

  • Kliknij, aby zainstalować Morrowind Helper z wyników wyszukiwania

  • Ukończ pomyślnie rejestrację Google (jeśli krok 2 został pominięty) aby zainstalować Morrowind Helper

  • Klinij w ikonę Morrowind Helper na ekranie startowym, aby zacząć grę

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