Multi-Instance Sync Coming to BlueStacks 5 In its 5.1 Update

When it comes to mobile gaming, there are millions of apps out there each with the promise of delivering exciting gameplay for hours on end. However, despite each presenting different and unique mechanics, many of these games offer a couple of aspects in common: The first is the fact that they can be enjoyed with minimal interaction due to the automation features built directly into the games; and the second is that many of these games require lots and lots of grinding in order to progress and unlock everything they have to offer.
The combination of these two main aspects means that you’ll be engaging in the same daily tasks in order to progress. This monotony is ideal for the types of gamers who simply want to enjoy and progress at their games, without having to commit or invest heavily in their games. However, this very same monotony makes it so that playing with friends or with an alliance is much faster than alone. Similarly, when it comes to gacha RPGs, many gamers engage in rerolling, which is a process through which the player restarts the game as many times as necessary until they summon a good character from the initial free summoning. The process is very monotonous, can take days to produce good results, and is extremely time-consuming and boring.
For cases such as the two examples mentioned above is why we developed and implemented the BlueStacks Instance Manager, so that gamers can play on several instances and create one-man armies, or to reroll on multiple accounts at the same time. However, we also went one step further and added the Multi-Instance Sync feature which, when activated, synchronizes the actions performed on one instance, and replicates them across all the other active instances. The result is that the player can progress on multiple accounts at the same time, simply by playing on their main screen.
Those who have been gaming on BlueStacks for a while should be already acquainted with this awesome feature already. However, for those who are getting started on BlueStacks 5, we’re pleased to announce that the Instance Sync tool is being implemented to BlueStacks 5 in an upcoming update.
BlueStacks 5 Multi-Instance Sync Overview and Version Requirements
The new Multi-Instance Sync in BlueStacks 5 is arriving in the upcoming version 5.1 patch. In order to enjoy this new feature, you need to update to at least this version or higher. You can always check which version you’re currently on by clicking on the hamburger menu > settings > about, or by simply glancing over at the top left corner, where you can see the version number just beside the BlueStacks logo.
Like we mentioned above, the Multi-Instance Sync is a feature that, when activated, replicates every single click, swipe, and key press you perform on your main window, on all the other active instances. This is particularly useful for gacha RPGs, strategy war games, and other titles in which you could benefit from playing on multiple instances simultaneously. With this feature, you can reroll much faster and unlock powerful characters from the very beginning in gacha games, as well as grow and develop multiple cities in war games, which can make it much easier for managing farm accounts.
How to Use the Multi-Instance Sync Feature
Before using the Instance Sync, we first need to create multiple instances, which we are going to be syncing later on. To do this, we must open the Instance Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + 8. In this panel, we can create one or more instances, by clicking on “New instance” on the bottom right. After choosing which Android version we want, and assigning enough RAM and CPU resources to the new instance, it will be created and launched automatically. You need at least two instances running at the same time for the Instance Sync feature to become available.
Once you have at least two instances running, the way you activate the Sync feature is by clicking on the Instance Sync button on the rightmost panel, or press Ctrl + Shift + 9. On this new panel, you simply need to tick the boxes corresponding to the instances you want to sync, and then click on “Start Sync”.
For best results, we recommend setting all your active instances on the same screen of the game you wish to sync before activating the sync feature, to ensure that all games are synchronized correctly. For instance, a good idea would be to run the game on every instance, and then activate the sync feature when all of them are in the main menu screen. This will ensure maximum synchronization and will avoid any issues that might stem from one of your windows getting desynchronized.
It’s important to note here that our BlueStacks macros also work flawlessly with the Instance Sync. Simply activate the Sync tool, run a macro, and watch as it works its magic on all active instances. Also, even though BlueStacks 5 is the lightest and fastest our emulator has ever been, you might still want to reduce resource usage even further while multitasking. By activating Eco Mode on your secondary instances, you will significantly reduce their GPU and CPU usage by limiting the framerate. The caveat is that manually playing on such low framerates can be difficult. Luckily, the Sync feature has no issues in replicating your actions. So create as many instances as your PC can handle, activate the sync, and watch as BlueStacks does the heavy lifting for you!
Speed Up Your Progress With the Multi-Instance Sync Feature
The Sync feature is great for games like Rise of Kingdoms, Guns of Glory, State of Survival, or any other strategy war game. Having multiple accounts lets you grow and develop farm cities that can funnel resources into your main base, which can significantly help to speed up your progress.
Instead of waiting until gathering enough resources on your main account to purchase upgrades, you could simply funnel materials from your farm accounts. Similarly, if you’re getting attacked, you could send reinforcements from your farm accounts to help repel the invaders, or even create alliances using your own multiple accounts. Essentially, you’d be a one-person army.
For gacha games, you could create multiple accounts and reroll with each of them. With the Instance Sync feature, you could take it one step further by effectively rerolling on several accounts simultaneously, and in the time it’d take you to reroll on only one account. Simply activate the Sync feature and focus on progressing on your main account, and BlueStacks will do the rest for you.
The possibilities of what you can achieve with BlueStacks and the Multi-Instance Sync feature are enormous. And now that this tool is coming to BlueStacks 5, our Android app player is only getting better and better.
Have you already tried the Multi-Instance Sync feature in the previous BlueStacks version? What are your expectations for this tool coming to BlueStacks 5? Feel free to leave any opinions, questions, and suggestions in the comments below!.