Black Clover M is ready for a global launch this summer! It is a turn-based RPG that incorporates many of the elements of gacha games where players have to summon for their favourite characters from the Black Clover universe. Being an officially licensed Black Clover game, the anticipations are at an all-time high. For those unaware, Black Clover M has already launched in the Japan and Korean region of the world. Players will be able to download and install Black Clover M as a free-to-play title on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store once it has launched globally.

Table of Contents

  1. Method 1. Levelling Up Characters
  2. Method 2. Increasing Rarity of Characters
  3. Method 3. Talent and Star Level
  4. Method 4. Gearing Up your Characters

In this article, we are going to be providing all the different ways through which you can empower your characters and make them stronger in the shortest amount of time possible. The empowerment methods are presented in a step-by-step format and explained in detail for all players. Majority of the methods are quite basic, and resonate with the usual elements of RPG games where character development is involved. 

Method 1. Levelling Up Characters 

Just like any RPG game, levelling up characters proves to be one of the most efficient methods to make your characters stronger. When it comes to Black Clover M, the best ways to level up any character in the game is by simply feeding them with experience filled Potions that come in different rarities. For new players, this method works like wonders due to the abundance of the Potions that are given to all players in the beginning through new player missions and events. One more great way to gain experience for your characters is to take them in battles with you. Naturally, this is not going to be a quick way but rather a more efficient way.

Black Clover M – Make your Characters Stronger and Get more Battle Power!

Levelling up characters is important as levels directly provide your characters with increases stats. These are part of the base stats and not additive stats that are gained from equipment and Skill pages. Higher the stats, the higher will be the individual Battle Power (BP) or Combat Power (CP) of your character. There are many stages in the game which demand a higher CP team in order to beat them or else you will be defeated by the sheer difference in power between your allies and the enemies.

Method 2. Increasing Rarity of Characters

As we have already mentioned before, Black Clover M is a gacha game where players are required to summon for characters and skill pages through the innate gachapon system. Each character in the game is assigned with a base rarity, among the likes of R, SR, and SSR. Outside of the base rarity of characters, there exists 2 more rarities that are only achievable through breakthrough of characters. These rarities are UR and LR. The biggest change to note between all rarities are the massive increase in base stats of the character as their rarity changes.

Black Clover M – Make your Characters Stronger and Get more Battle Power!

One more difference to note is that characters who have a higher base rarity are naturally gifted with more base stats. Every character, no matter their base rarity, can be raised up to the highest rarity, which is LR. For breakthrough of characters, you will require their shards. The only way to get their shards at the moment is by summoning their duplicates from the gacha system.

Method 3. Talent and Star Level

One more great method to get your hands on some additional powerful stats is by simply upgrading the talent tree of your characters. Although this is something that is missed in the initial tutorial but it is very important if you want to shape the character in a specific way. Talents are essentially extra passives that are given to characters when you upgrade their individual talent tree. To unlock and upgrade the talent tree, a separate resource is used. This resource is found in the Talent dungeon and can be farmed repeatedly. The Talent tree is divided into Fire (Attack), Green (Defense), and Blue (Support) trees each. You can read the different abilities on each tree and unlock the levels accordingly. 

Black Clover M – Make your Characters Stronger and Get more Battle Power!

Star Level is another way of making your characters more powerful. The Star system is unlocked after any character reaches their max possible rarity at LR. Each character can be star upgraded 6 times, up to 6 stars. At each star upgrade, the character is given some stat enhancements. At Star Level 2, they are also given a 2nd unique passive ability. Sadly, starring up a character requires you to use their character shard or a universe star shard which are quite hard to obtain.

Method 4. Gearing Up your Characters

Black Clover M follows the usual tropes of RPG games, where each character can be equipped with strong equipment in order to gain better stats and perform better in battles. Naturally, equipping pieces of equipment are also responsible for increasing the characters Combat Power. Equipment come in different rarities and for different areas. 

Black Clover M – Make your Characters Stronger and Get more Battle Power!

They are also diverse in nature, as they come with different main stats and substats. The best way to gear your characters is by simply looking at their type and using the stats that will benefit them. For example, a DPS character requires Attack, Critical Hit Chance, and Critical Hit Damage stats. Similarly, a Healer would require Speed, Health, and Defense stats.

To enjoy Black Clover M on a bigger screen of your PC, it is highly recommended to use BlueStacks along with your keyboard and mouse.