South Korean mobile gaming company, Netmarble, announced the release of their new game Golden Bros. The upcoming Netmarble title will be a 3v3 play-to-earn shooting game with NFT elements. Developers have revealed that the game will have “easy control and intuitive combat rules.”

Apart from the official announcement, Netmarble has launched a teaser website and trailer for Golden Bros that users can check out right now. Additionally, developers aim for the game’s launch on platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows. One can get additional details regarding the launch as follows: 

Golden Bros: Pre-sale, early access, and launch

Netmarble to launch a 3v3 play to earn shooter, Golden Bros, with blockchain technology

The announcement regarding the game’s launch was made on February 11, 2022. According to the official sources, the pre-sales are expected to start from March 2, 2022. The said pre-sale is for the game’s early access in Q1 2022. 

Although Netmarble has not given any official launch date, all versions are expected to arrive by this year’s first half as per the hints. It has been already mentioned that the plans for the game’s launch focus on PC, iOS, and AOS or Android. 

Gameplay and other features

Netmarble to launch a 3v3 play to earn shooter, Golden Bros, with blockchain technology

Golden Bros will provide an intense shooting action with a real-time 3v3 gameplay setup. The game is expected to feature relatively simple controls and easy-to-understand game rules that will allow the majority of users to excel. However, the variety of maps will make the game more strategy-based. 

Users will assume the role of “Bros” in the game, and each Bro will have a specific skill-set. Hence, one can choose their Bro based on their in-game approach and strategies as per their roles during a battle. One can also grow Bros’ strength using “Skill Capsules” for different kinds of combat support. 

Each battle will be fast-paced and short-lived, which will require users to employ different skills and configurations to construct one’s growth tree. The diversity of varying skill capsules will allow users to bring randomness to the table, which will enhance the thrill of the game. 

Netmarble is trying to venture into the Blockchain game genre with Golden Bros, as they are also going to introduce NFT elements within the 3v3 Play-to-earn shooter.