Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE!, is an upcoming Puzzle RPG that is set in the fantasy universe of Tokyo Revengers. Fans of the anime/manga IP (Intellectual Property) have shown their love and support for the game on social media handles, as this is going to be one of the first officially licensed games to use the IP. Players will be able to meet the flamboyant gang of Mikey, and engage in casual yet strategic Match-3 action right on the fingertips of their mobile devices. Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE! will be available to be downloaded and installed as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.           

Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE! – Gameplay and Features

Following the original sequence of events of the show, and sticking to the main theme of conquering different cities of Japan, Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE! is a great game for casual players. It allows players the comfort of playing match-3 games strategically anytime and anywhere, provided that you have an internet connection. 

Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE! was first released in December 2022 for the Japanese region, and has since got positive reviews, raking in 3 million downloads and 4.2 ratings on the Google Play Store. Following the success, the developers at Goodroid Inc have decided to increase their global footprint by releasing Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE! globally. Expected to be dropping sometime in December 2023, an exact release date is still not revealed yet. 

Match-3 Game Based on Popular Manga Series Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE! Opens Pre-registration for Android and iOS

One of the best aspects of playing casual and strategic games like Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE! are the diverse team formations which are proven to be a strong core in deciding your victory. The entire world is watching and waiting for this masterpiece to release, as there are a lot of fans for the Tokyo Revengers IP globally. In fact, the game has already garnered over 100,000 pre-registrations so far, proving its popularity.

Interested players can pre-register for the game on their official website, or through their respective App Stores. The game will provide support for both Android and iOS. The main benefits for pre-registering comes in the form of Diamonds, the premium currency of Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE! More Diamonds you have at the start, the stronger shall be your start, ensuring that you are set for a smooth progression ahead of you. It’s also expected that Goodroids will be introducing a ton of launch events for players to cherish and enjoy, and reap the juicy rewards that come along with them of course!

We would recommend playing Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE! on a PC, using BlueStacks with a keyboard and mouse for a 60 FPS Full HD lag-free experience on a bigger screen.