Isekai: Slow Life by Mars Game has slowly started to roll out new content and features that expand the game’s horizon out of a purely PvE-oriented game to a multiplayer live-service game. Players are excited to delve into the new season of “World Tree Cup” game mode that is starting after the update on 27th September, 2023. Isekai: Slow Life is available to be downloaded and installed as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.

Isekai: Slow Life – World Tree Cup mode features Cross-Server Competition

Isekai: Slow Life is a captivating and relaxing story-oriented RPG that see’s the protagonist being a cute & lax mushroom that is teleported to a different world altogether. He must take up the charge of the new failing village he is teleported into, and revive the dead economy to ensure survival of the villagers. With the help of Erica, an Artificial Intelligence powered bot, the mushroom gets to know more about the new world and engage in multiple nuances on a day-to-day basis. Engage in this beautifully crafted and narrated storyline that is best suited for casual players.

World Tree Cup – Season 2

Here are all the optimizations being made to the season 2 of World Tree Cup:

  • The duration of the team formation phase has been extended, allowing transcenders more time to form teams and collaborate.
  • Now, gift and chest events no longer consume stamina, allowing transcenders to participate in these activities more freely.
  • To meet the needs of some transcenders, we have added a skip button for the opening storyline, allowing transcenders to quickly enter the game.
  • Repute Rewards for certain tiers have been adjusted, and new reward bubbles and Artifacts have been added, providing transcenders with a wider range of reward choices.
  • Now, by completing quests, transcenders can obtain a greater number of Souvenir Coins, allowing players to acquire the desired amount faster.
  • In achievement tasks, when reaching the 5th level, transcenders can receive a Branch of the World Tree as an achievement reward, providing them with one free opportunity to teleport directly from the 4th level to the 5th level.

Isekai: Slow Life – World Tree Cup mode features Cross-Server Competition

The new changes seem to be targeted towards improving the new player experience, while making the rest of the game mode more competitive overall as opposed to a story-oriented event. Players can now even directly go to team formation screen, skipping the entire story cutscenes. Further, the team formation time frame has been extended to give players more strategical options. At the end, more Souvenir Coins have been promised via completing quests. This was the biggest upsetting pain point put forward by the players to the developers.

While the changes are still new, and need to be tested thoroughly, it can be noticed that the developers have taken into account the problems faced by the community and aim to resolve them with consecutive updates.

We recommend playing Isekai: Slow Life on a PC using BlueStacks with a keyboard and mouse for a 60 FPS Full HD lag-free experience on a bigger screen.