Chrono Travelers by Eyougame (USS) is a brand-new anime-stylized MMORPG that also has many of the Idle game features that we love! The game boasts a near-futuristic thematic world that will captivate players at large with beautiful landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and mesmerizing visuals. The overall graphical appeal of the game is quite high with over-the-top animations and visually appealing animations. Players can enjoy travelling the vast and open world of Chrono Travelers on their PC using BlueStacks for the best performance. Chrono Travelers is available as a free-to-play game on both Google Play Store and iOS App Store.

Chrono Travelers - Get Ahead of the Curve Using these Tips and Tricks

New players coming to Chrono Travelers will find themselves stuck in the thorns of progression v/s customization. The game offers a lot of customization options to players without demanding much in return. You can get a host of rewards by simply participating in basic quests and logging in for a certain number of days. In this article, we will be providing some of our personalized tips and tricks that will help you streamline your account’s progression. These tips and tricks are gathered from information shared by veterans as well as our personal observations.

Tip #1. Following the Main Quests

Ever confused on where to go and how to progress? Well, Chrono Travelers has a host of main quests that allow players to guide themselves on where they should be headed towards. Consider them like a tutorial or a guidebook that helps you connect with the developers’ intentions on how to progress. These quests are located on the left-hand side of the main screen and they can be initiated at any given point of time by clicking on them. A handy auto-quest feature is also available for those players who want to relax and enjoy as the character progresses by themselves.  

Chrono Travelers - Get Ahead of the Curve Using these Tips and Tricks

Tip #2. Battling Manually Adds an Advantage

While many new players are enjoying the auto-battle features of Chrono Travelers, we would like to clear the misunderstanding between auto-battle and manual battles. The game has a diverse combat system where the abilities can be casted specifically in a particular area. During auto-battles, the AI uses all of your skills the moment they are off cooldown and this can lead to inefficiency. Manual combat allows you to increase combat efficiency as you can make up combos from your skills as well as time them effectively to counter enemy attacks. It also helps you develop a presence of mind that will be useful in future for PvP game modes where you battle against real players in real-time environment.

Chrono Travelers - Get Ahead of the Curve Using these Tips and Tricks

Tip #3. Recruiting Powerful Partners

Being able to rely on a trustworthy companion can be extremely beneficial when traversing the difficult environments found in Chrono Travelers. Reach a certain level to unlock the partner feature, which will increase your companion’s ability to facilitate global travel. Your partner is a vital tool in battles because it increases attack power when engaged in combat and unlocks new abilities as its star tier rises. Spend time consistently fortifying your partner to gain an ever-more-beneficial gameplay experience. Having a strong partner besides you also grants favourable stats that can help you in combat situations.

Chrono Travelers - Get Ahead of the Curve Using these Tips and Tricks

Tip #4. Using A Mount to Travel Faster

This tip is more of a standardized measure used by all players in every MMORPG. The Mount system itself is designed to aid players out of combat by increasing their travelling speed. Mounts can easily allow you to travel large distances in the same realm. Of course, teleportation remains to be the fastest method of travelling but it’s quite limited in nature as it only connects the different realms of a server. To reach a particular point or place in the realm, you would need to travel via a Mount. Some Mounts are also notorious for providing some passive combat buffs that can help you gain more stats. Mounts, just like Spirits, can be enhanced to provide more stats as well as unlock new skills. 

Chrono Travelers - Get Ahead of the Curve Using these Tips and Tricks

Tip #5. Gearing your Character to Maximum Efficiency 

If you are looking for some quick ways to increase your overall combat power then look no further than gearing up your character. Yes, your own character contributes highly to your overall CP count. As you progressively get stronger and clear higher stages of dungeons, the bosses will drop better gear sets and accessories that can be equipped to your character. Make sure to synergize them well for the perfect combination of gear sets as well as main stats. The rarity and grade of the gear also creates a huge impression on your overall Combat Power. Further, do not forget that you can also enhance your gear sets to get even higher stats. 

Playing Chrono Travelers on a bigger screen of your PC with BlueStacks without worrying about battery drainage and smooth gameplay, is highly recommended.