The Best Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Tips, Tricks, and Strategies to Get the Best Characters and Win All Your Fights

Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle is a standard gacha RPG, at least when it comes to the character collecting and upgrading aspects. This means that you’ll be spending most of your time in this game grinding for resources to unlock and upgrade new characters, while also trying to make your way through the story missions.
However, unlike other gacha RPGs, Dokkan Battle has a few unique mechanics going for it, which makes it stand out among the rest. In this sense, if you’re a fan of RPG games with simple but entertaining turn-based combat with a puzzle-like spin, and are also an enthusiast of the timeless Dragon Ball franchise, then this game is definitely for you.
With that being said, if you’re new to Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, then you’ll definitely want to keep these tips and tricks in mind. In the following paragraphs, you’ll find a variety of pointers and strategies to help speed you along in this game.
Always Aim for the Longer Ki Sphere Chains
As we mentioned above, one of the distinguishing factors in Dokkan Battle is its turn-based combat system. And while there’s definitely nothing innovative about fighting in turns, this game adds a puzzle element to every attack by letting players collect Ki Spheres of various colors before unleashing their attacks. And depending on the number and type of spheres you get, you can either unleash a regular attack or a much stronger Super Attack.
Ki Spheres on the field are arranged into five rows and come in five different colors. Every character has one attempt at collecting these orbs per turn, and players can do so by clicking on any sphere in the closest row. Furthermore, if there are other spheres of the same color nearby, these will also burst and add the current chain, and if there is a sphere of the same color in the next row, the chain will extend and continue until reaching the enemy characters.
Ki Spheres are important not only because they are the key to unleashing Super Attacks, but because they can also improve the power of your attack for the current turn, even if you don’t manage to collect enough to trigger your abilities. And the longer the Ki Sphere chain, the stronger your attacks.
It’s worth mentioning here that collecting Ki Spheres that are the same color as your character type will grant you twice the Ki of a regular sphere. With proper luck and planning, it’s possible to unleash several Super Attacks in a single turn, by simply clicking on the right sphere to unleash longer chains.
Consider the Different Character Types Before Attacking
And speaking of character types, all the units in Dokkan Battle fall into five different categories or character types. These categories are TEQ, AGL, STR, INT, and PHY, and they are always relevant because each one is weak to one type and strong against another. In this sense, it’s a good idea to consider both your and the enemy’s character types before unleashing an attack.
Remember that you can always choose the enemy that your current character is targeting, simply by clicking on their portraits in the target list. By doing so, you will force that enemy to appear in the field and will attack them once you’ve collected spheres with all your characters.
Understand the Different Types of Attacks and Skills
While most players can easily breeze through the story without paying much attention to their characters’ skills, at least at the beginning, there will come a time when you will need to carefully plan out your attacks in order to defeat their enemies before they can do the same to them.
There are several types of skills and attacks in Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, with the most common being the regular attacks that you unleash simply by picking up any number of Ki Spheres every turn. Next up are the Super Attacks, which trigger automatically once you gather 12 Ki, though the exact number can be lower depending on the character. These Super Attacks can be very strong so it’s always a good idea to trigger them.
Aside from these two types of skills, there are also passive and active skills, as well as leadership skills, which bestow bonuses once certain conditions are met. Feel free to check out our Dokkan Battle combat guide to learn more about these aspects.
Your Attack Order Matters
In the same vein as the above entry, there’s a specific type of skill that, depending on your team formation. you always must consider. These are called Link Skills, abilities that are triggered whenever two or more specific team members are beside each other in the current formation. Rearranging your formation to activate these bonuses can often turn a tough battle into an easy win, especially once you unlock the stronger combinations by obtaining the best characters in the game.
You can switch your attack order at any moment during your turn, as long as the character you want to change hasn’t attacked yet.
Consider Rerolling to Get a Head Start
Last but not least, since Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle is, after all, a gacha RPG, you can significantly increase your power and make it easier to win battles, simply by unlocking the strongest characters. However, considering the randomized design of the gacha system, unlocking specific characters is extremely difficult, especially when it comes to the LR cards.
These difficulties are why many new players opt to reroll before beginning their journey in Dokkan Battle. By doing so, players can obtain a few strong characters from the very start, which will give them a massive boost if successful. Nevertheless, the process of rerolling can be very time-consuming, especially if you’re gaming on your phone. Luckily, you can use BlueStacks to significantly speed up this process, as we explained in our reroll guide for Dokkan Battle.
Keep these tricks and tips in mind the next time you’re playing and you’ll have no issues progressing through the first few stages of the game. Furthermore, feel free to share your own tidbits and nuggets of information in the comments below!