Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire – The Complete Guide to Buildings and Base Development

At a glance, Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire might paint an all-too familiar picture, but once you get into the base-building proper, you realize just how much potential the game has. Part of its complexity is the fact that there are more than a dozen different types of buildings to work with.
In addition, there are a limited number of building spots in your kingdom, so you’ll want to think ahead before you fill everything up with farms. Not all building types are available as soon as you create an account, though, which can throw a bit of a wrench in your planning. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of all buildings and their functions, as well as a brief guide to upgrading them once they are constructed.
Get Familiar with Buildings and Their Functions
As you enter the game world, Noctis gives you a brief tour of your empire, but his introduction is not the most comprehensive. You can use the complete guide below to fill in any gaps, plan your long-term development, as well as find specific buildings on the map.
The Citadel
The most prominent and, in some ways, the most important building in your empire, the citadel represents your current level and dictates which other constructions you can use/upgrade. Upgrading it will likely be your focus during the first few hours of the game.
Resource generation buildings
There are 5 different types of resources in A New Kingdom (6, if you count in gold coins) and 5 corresponding constructions to generate them. Farms are food generators, Energy Extractors naturally give you energy, Quarries produce stone, Mines generate metal, while Banks provide Gil. These buildings will take up the vast majority of your slots and serve as a backbone for the development of your kingdom.
The Training Grounds and Barracks
The Training Grounds is where you train troops, which come in 4 different categories. The higher the level of this building, the more troops you will be able to “store” – so to speak. In addition, one or more Barracks can increase the number (not the type) of troops you can train at a time.
The Hospital and Hospital Ward
When your empire is attacked, injured troops are sent to the Hospital to be healed. Only a limited number of units can fit in the hospital at a given time, although this can be improved by building one or more Hospital Wards. Troops that cannot fit in the Hospital when attacked may die.
The Armory
This building allows you to craft items for your hero, as well as improve gems that can be embedded in their equipment. Some items have empire-wide effects, which makes them super useful.
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The Watchtower
Also a crucial building for your empire, the Watchtower lets you know if any armies are marching towards you or one of your resource-generating regions. This can give you enough time to boost your defenses and protect your goods.
The Wall
This building helps reduce your casualties in case of an attack and increases your odds of victory. Basically, what you would expect from a wall. Can be augmented with traps and other boosts.
The University
Here, you can research dozens of technologies to make your empire stronger. The University is a particularly important building for your in-game development, so we’ve created a separate guide for it.
The Prison and Banishment Portal
The Prison is where you temporarily hold enemy heroes once they are captured in battle. You can release these heroes, of course, but you will most likely throw them through the Banishment Portal, which will have empire-wide consequences on those players who lose their champions.
The Hero Monument
Up to level 20, the Monument provides a small hero EXP boost. If your hero is banished (which can happen from level 20 upwards), this building will save some of his EXP and use it towards your next hero.
The Guild Hall and Embassy
Once you join an Alliance, the Guild Hall will let you send troops to assist other members’ offensive strikes, while the Embassy will allow you to receive more reinforcements in case you need to defend your kingdom.
The Proving Grounds
This is where you can use your hero to attack monsters in 1v1 combat. Each stab will cost you Elixir or Loyalty Points (which you can earn by helping guildies) and will reward resources or other goodies. 1 Attack per day is free.
The Resource Vault and Trading Post
While the Resource Vault lets you protect some of your resources in case of an attack (you can prioritize which), the Trading Post lets you send resources to other guild members.
The Treasury
This is where you can deposit gold coins (the game’s premium currency) to obtain interest. You cannot use the gold while it is in the Treasury, but once the timer is complete, you can collect both the initial deposit and interest. The Lvl. 2 Treasury can only be obtained if you purchase goods worth at least $4.99.
How to Upgrade Buildings
Once a building is constructed, you have the ability to upgrade it indefinitely, but the number of upgrades is usually determined by the level of your Citadel. Provided that your Citadel is sufficiently developed, upgrading different buildings will also require you to spend a specific amount of each type of resource (apart from gold).
A few hours into the game, you’ll quickly notice that stone is the most coveted resource, mainly because it is required in larger quantities for all upgrades, troops, and research avenues. To give yourself a good start in the game, you’ll have to construct at least 4 Quarries and upgrade them to Lvl. 5. Although you should prioritize stone production over everything else, you shouldn’t neglect other resources, either. Two of each type of resource building, leveled as far as your Citadel allows, should suffice to begin with.
Otherwise, the kingdom is yours to experiment with. As you plan its development, remember that you only have a limited number of construction sites and that removing a building in order to replace it is fairly costly. Consider carefully whether you really need another copy of construction X and build accordingly. Once your base is strong enough to accommodate massive troop training, it’s time to consider how to create an effective army and defeat others.