Mafioso: Mafia & clan wars in Gangster Paradise - The Best Characters in This Mafioso Game

Are you ready to join the mafia and create the most powerful family the world has ever seen in Mafioso: Mafia & clan wars in Gangster Paradise? Then you’re going to need the right people for the job. Fortunately, in this Mafioso game, there are lots of characters to choose from when it comes to building your team. And while the game does a good job of summing up their stats and roles in the character menu, you won’t really know what each of these units is good for until you actually try them.
In this sense, we’ve decided to create this guide to help out players who are just starting out to build the best teams in this game, starting with a few basic principles.
Mafioso Team Building Tips
Your party in this mafioso game consists of a maximum of three characters at any given moment. However, since there are 30 characters to choose from at the moment of writing, settling on any three of these can be quite difficult. Luckily, there are several basic principles that you can keep in mind in order to make this process smoother.
Combines Roles Effectively
Each character can fulfill specific roles in your group, as demonstrated by their stat distributions. However, while it might be tempting to keep purely offensive characters in your lineup, since these are the ones that deal the most damage, you might want to reconsider and add defensive or supporting characters to your team.
Offensive formations are very easy to subdue since they have no defensive options and can get shut down easily with a few debuffs. Moreover, having good tanks or supports in your team can also help to increase your damage output by giving buffs to your DPS that will allow them to let loose on the enemy.
Either Keep Varied Skills or Focus on One Exclusively
While a character’s stats will directly influence their role in combat, their skills will help to determine their actual utility within their role. In this sense, depending on their abilities, some tanks could actually be more offense-oriented, while some DPS may actually be decent supports. In the same vein, while you could opt to keep a varied skillset in your team, you could also choose to focus on one type of skill entirely, such as single-target DPS moves or AoE skills, which will help to further specialize your team, but at the risk of getting countered by another with a superior strategy.
When All Else Fails, Just Use Your Strongest Characters
In the early stages of this mafioso game, you likely won’t have many different characters to choose from. If this is the case, don’t worry too much about your formation since you’re probably going to get matched against other newcomers that are going through the same situation as you. If this is the case, simply use the strongest characters available.
The Best Characters in Mafioso
Now that we have a few team building basics out of the way, here are our picks for best characters in this mafioso game:
The Butcher
When it comes to tanky characters, this bad boy is going to be your best choice, at least in the early game. He can not only absorb absurd amounts of punishment, but he can also dish out tons of damage, making him a great defensive choice. If combined with the proper buffs, he can scale decently well into the late game.
Deb Deathshot
A great DPS character that also offers some support skills. Though she doesn’t do much damage with her basic Headshot skill, she can deal critical damage on every fourth hit, making her into a one-man army if used correctly. This fact is further compounded by her Kiss skill, which covers an ally and automatically retaliates at the enemy whenever the said ally is attacked. Deb is not only good for dealing with threats effectively, but also by shutting down the enemy’s advances by covering your high-value targets.
Pablo El Bigote
Though not very strong at all, Pablo is the perfect counter to one-dimensional teams that rely heavily on a single-minded DPS approach. This is due to his rage skill, which gives Pablo a 200 HP shield and forces everyone to attack him for 1 turn. This gives your entire team free rein to wail on the enemy’s most important targets while they can only helplessly attack Pablo and get decimated by your squad.
Nurse Lizzie
Though having a dedicated support character is not ideal in the late game, since you’d be wasting a slot for someone that could both attack AND support, Lizzie is definitely the character of choice if you want to have a healer in your squad. She can not only deal a bit of damage while healing her team, but she also has dedicated skills that can both heal and remove debuffs from the team, keeping them hale and hearty throughout the fight.
Lucy Lugwrench
This character combines the hardiness of a tank with the versatility of a support character, being able to not only shield and heal her allies, but also to deal decent damage if certain conditions are met. While she can be a bit quirky to use due to how her Front Row skill’s damage bonus works, she’s a good candidate if you need an offensive support unit in your squad.
Haifa Scorpion
The DPS of choice, ideal for quickly eliminating high-value threats. If used correctly, she can essentially one-shot most squishy targets, though this can definitely be a bit tricky to pull off. Regardless, her massive damage output makes her into one of the best DPS characters in the game.
What other characters would you recommend unlocking and using in this mafioso game? Leave us your suggestions in the comments below!