Powerdise: All Roles and their Abilities

Powerdise presents a unique virtual worldview of a magical city wherein adventurers from around the world gather and meet. Embark on your very own virtual life as you create an avatar and roam around the glamorous futuristic Powerdise City. To begin your Cube War games, the very first thing you are tasked with is choosing a Role. Roles are essentially like classes in other open-word ARPGs wherein players opt to play for a certain playstyle – such as Tank, DPS, Mage, etc. In this guide, you will learn about all the different roles and their abilities.
Their active ability Dash ‘n’ Slash states that you dash 5 tiles in front of you, dealing 100% weapon damage to any opposing players hit along the way. Has up to 3 charges, with 1 charge refreshing every 15 seconds.
Their active ability Rapid Fire states that you rain down arrows, rapidly shooting 6 arrows. Each arrow deals 15 damage and knocks opponent back 1 tile. Their passive ability Enhanced Shot states that every 3rd shot fires a stronger arrow.
Their active ability Battle Cry states that you unleash a battle cry that boosts movement speed by 30% and grants immunity to all control effects. Lasts for 10 seconds. Their passive ability Frenzy states that Participating in a kill increases attack speed by 50% for 3 seconds.
Their active ability Explosive Arrow states that you fire an explosive arrow that exploders upon hitting an opponent or terrain, dealing up to 30 damage to the opponent and burning them. Their passive ability Flame Shot states that you always have a 20% chance to light em’ up with the Burn effect.
Their active ability Magnetic Field states that you generate an electromagnetic field with a 400 radius centered around yourself, lasting 2 seconds. Opponents within the radius suffer continuous damage and movement reduction. Those still in range when it ends get paralyzed for 2 seconds. Their passive ability Exploit Weakness states that damage dealt to opponents in an abnormal state is increased by 50%.
Their active ability Chainsaw Go Brr states that you rev up your chainsaw and rapidly deal 30% melee weapon damage to opponents in front of you once every 0.1 seconds. Can also damage blocks. Their passive ability Energized states that you gain 30 Chainsaw energy if you kill an opposing player while using this ability.
Their active ability Block Boost states that hurl a boom booster, bolstering blocks within range. Boosts normal blocks into high density blocks, and high density blocks into Alloy blocks. Their passive ability Cube Bounty states that you receive an extra 4 Gold if your Energy core is activated.
Their active ability Frost Armor states that you reduce all damage taken by 30%. Opponents have a 10% chance of being Frozen whenever they deal melee damage to you. Their passive ability Ice Shield states that you gain a 10 HP shield after being out of combat for 10 seconds.
Their active ability Defense Shield states that you place a barrier that can block opponents ranged weapons and repel approaching opponents for 15 seconds. Your teammates won’t be affected. Their passive ability Barrier states that every 20 seconds gain a Barrier that blocks one instance of damage.
Their active ability Money Trees states that receive a seed every 15 seconds, and store up to 5 seeds. After a seed is planted, it will sprout silver flowers after 1 minute, which grant silver coins when harvested. Their passive ability Crystal Seed states that you can spend money in the shop to buy high quality seeds. These plants have a pretty good chance of producing Crystal flowers.
Their active ability Orb of Healing states that send out a slow-moving orb that heals allies over time for 5 HP once every 0.5 seconds. Their passive ability Just in Time states that when moving towards an ally whose health is lower than 50%, movement speed increases by 30% for a max radius of 20 tiles.
Their active ability Safety First states that you teleport back to base after a 2 second casting time. If interrupted, the skill will be canceled, and cooldown will not be activated. Their passive ability Transmit Beacon states that you spend currency to purchase the beacon. Once it’s placed, you can teleport right to it. But after you’ve used the teleport ability once, the beacon will disappear. Your opponents can destroy beacons, and you can only place 1 at a time.
Their active ability Flashbang states that you toss a flashbang, leaving hit opponents blind for 3 seconds. Their passive ability View Advantage states that blinding an enemy with your flashbang ability increases movement speed by 50% for 3 seconds.
Their active ability Reel ‘em In! states that you throw your hook up to 15 tiles. If it hits an opponent, they’ll be pulled towards you. Their passive ability Heavy-Duty Rod states that you purchase a Heavy-Duty rod increase your hook length.
Playing Powerdise on a bigger screen of your PC with BlueStacks without worrying about battery drainage and smooth gameplay, is highly recommended.