How To Increase Your Combat Power In Raider Origin MMORPG

We already have a tips and tricks article about Raider: Origin MMORPG that includes suggestions for power leveling but increasing your combat power is a different thing. Gaining experience points won’t be enough: There are several methods that can be used to empower your heroes, and each of these will give you a different advantage on the battlefield. So, let’s talk about them: How can you become the mightiest hero these lands have ever seen?
Grinding Is Not The Answer
Raider: Origin MMORPG encourages you to grind right from the beginning and there is even a daily task about that. Yes, grinding is a valuable method of gaining levels (and increasing your combat power) but it is not that efficient – especially if you don’t follow the main story missions. As we mentioned in our review, the story of the game is not that… captivating, for the lack of a better word. However, you still have quests and you should still follow them.
Yes, this tiny box is your current quest.
There is a simple reason for that: The main story missions let you travel between the maps. If you follow them, you will reveal the entire map in a specific region, and be ready to move onto the next one. Each map and region contain enemies of different levels, and you should always be in the region that meets your current level. In other words, if you grind on the same location for a while, you will out-level the mobs in a short while and gain almost no XP points.
The experience points we get per minute will continue to decrease if we stay in this area too long.
If you follow the main story missions, you will travel throughout the world and always be in the best place for your level. So, yes, they are quite simple but main quests still have a use – complete all of them to get the best out of your grinding.
This is the world of Raider Origin – it is quite big and following the quests is the best way to travel on it.
Make Sure Your Equipment Matches Your Level
The majority of your combat power comes from your equipment, so it should always match your current level. Using low-quality items is not recommended: It will simply decrease your “killing speed”. You can kill an elite monster with one hit if you are using level-appropriate equipment. But if you are using low-quality ones, doing that will take much longer and require many more hits. Basically, if you want to earn experience points faster, you must use better equipment.
This gentleman refuses to die because our equipment is as powerful as a potato.
Play Raider: Origin on BlueStacks
So, how to do that? During questing and grinding, you will collect tons of equipment. However, most of these will be trash – getting rare equipment is not that easy in Raider: Origin MMORPG, which is an expected thing. If you are struggling with finding new items, you can simply “enhance” your current ones. This is not as good as getting better items, but it is a band-aid solution – until you hit the jackpot, you can keep using your current equipment with this method and sacrifice killing speed as low as possible.
The enhancement can be done from this screen and you can simply click the “auto” button.
Make Sure To “Auto” Kill The Challenge Bosses Too
The auto-combat option is turned on by default in Raider Origin MMORPG, but for some reason, you need to kill the challenge bosses “manually”. Challenge bosses are harder enemies that spawn in the area after killing enough low-level mobs. If you just keep grinding, you cannot “spawn” these bosses, which is not a good idea. This is because they drop valuable items that will increase your combat power the most. Luckily, it is possible to automatize this job too: If you are planning to grind for a while, make sure to “auto challenge” the bosses too.
This tiny button will automatically summon the challenge boss, even if you are not around.
Well, that’s it: Now, you know what to do to increase your combat power – you are ready to defeat your enemies more efficiently. Take a look at our other Raider: Origin MMORPG articles too, they contain lots of other useful information. Let’s play on BlueStacks together and save the world once again!