KOG Games, the esteemed developer and publisher of the renowned free-to-play mobile RPG GrandChase, has officially initiated the pre-registration phase for their latest character, Secret Service Agent Mayden. This fresh and intriguing addition to the GrandChase character lineup has set the community abuzz with anticipation.

Mayden is far from your typical character. She operates as a secret service agent, specializing in the realms of intelligence and surveillance. At first glance, she exudes an air of nonchalance, often seen idly passing her time while engrossed in mobile games. However, this seemingly carefree demeanor is a clever facade concealing her true identity as a highly skilled and capable agent.

Fueled by her discontent with the corruption and malfeasance surrounding her, Mayden harbors a fervent aspiration to topple the existing leadership of the Celestial World in pursuit of a brighter and fairer future. Acknowledging the enormity of her undertaking, she sets her sights on recruiting like-minded individuals willing to stand up against the prevailing authorities.

Enthusiasts who partake in the pre-registration event will be duly rewarded with a 5-star Hero Mayden, a 5th Anniversary Celebration Rare Avatar Select Ticket, a Mayden Costume Suit Avatar, and a Mayden Effect Profile Border. These enticing incentives can be readily acquired by launching the game following the culmination of the pre-registration period and will be conveniently accessible in the System Mail section of the in-game mailbox.

Furthermore, to amplify the excitement, an exclusive free summon event has been arranged during the pre-registration period. This exclusive event permits players to perform character summons up to 20 times each day, accumulating to an impressive total of 280 summons.

The official integration of Mayden into the vibrant ensemble of GrandChase characters is scheduled for November 7th, 2023. Players who are eager to welcome her into their ranks can readily initiate their pre-registration process by visiting the official GrandChase website and subsequently downloading the game via their preferred platform. GrandChase, offering an enchanting world of free-to-play adventure, is complemented by the option of in-app purchases.

The impending introduction of Mayden to the GrandChase universe is poised to bring a transformative dimension to the gameplay. Her distinctive combination of nonchalant gaming and secret service expertise hints at a character with limitless potential, transcending the confines of one’s imagination. Devotees of the game await with bated breath to witness how Mayden will lead the charge against the corrupted Celestial World leadership, steering GrandChase toward new and exhilarating horizons.

For a tips and tricks guide on GrandChse check out this article by BlueStacks.