Tips & Tricks to Playing City of Crime: Gang Wars

It can be hard to play City of Crime: Gang Wars with all of the things that we need to learn when playing the game. Most beginners end up quitting these types of games after spending a few hours or up to a few days trying these out because they don’t really get the goal that they need to accomplish. In this guide, we’ll be sharing some tips and tricks that should enlighten players on how they can plan out what they need to do so that they can succeed from start to finish in this specific genre.
City of Crime: Gang Wars is just like most real-time strategy games and uses a linear progression system where players simply need to upgrade their operation to be the strongest player on the server. However, there are many routes that a player can take to reach that point and some of them aren’t as efficient in doing so. These tips should help players reach their goals faster and more efficiently by introducing some basic strategies that most new players don’t put enough priority on when they play.
Use Your Speedups
Speedups are the most commonly overlooked item in the game. New players who have no interest in playing the game longer usually use these items and spend them out really quickly but those who are planning for the future usually save these up. However, it’s actually a better investment for players to use their speedups early rather than later because they are more impactful when being used to accelerate early game progress so that their cities can reach an advanced stage quickly.
Players should use up all their speedups in the first few days that they play the game because it allows their city to reach a level that can support itself early on. Construction timers in the early stages are extremely short and players might think that it’s better to wait them out but it’s actually better to skip them completely. Of course, it’s also good to save up some of your long-duration speedups for huge projects later on but short-timers should be skipped if you don’t plan to log out yet.
Keep Your Operations Busy
The most important thing that new players need to keep in mind when playing any real-time strategy game is that being active in the game is the most rewarding thing that they can do. Being active doesn’t necessarily mean being online in the game 24/7. It simply means that the city is always doing efficient tasks and is progressing from all of the activities that it is doing. Since the game relies on countdown timers to complete, you’ll still make a lot of progress even when you’re offline.
Short playthroughs of the game can also be filled with progress when the player does efficient tasks. This is usually done by constantly constructing or upgrading buildings, training new soldiers, sending your crew out to do tasks, and investing in new tech. Players who log into the game for 5-minutes every hour can easily accomplish all these tasks and make it to the top players on the server in no time.
Collect More Heroes
Collecting more heroes is practically mandatory in this game. Heroes are important in both the military and development sectors of City of Crime: Gang Wars. These characters contribute to the progression of your city. Development characters allow the player to complete tasks more efficiently and give them an easier time doing all of them. Combat heroes lead the player’s armies with higher-level heroes being able to accommodate more soldiers under their command.
We’ve already made a Hero Tier List discussing all of the powerful heroes in the game, so it’s a good idea to take a look at that if you’re interested in collecting the strongest units. Players who have a lot of S-rank heroes in their collection are naturally going to be at the top of the ladder because they have the highest quality characters in their collection. Even though the game features a loot box system, even F2P users can still compete since the game gives a lot of resources to all of its players.
Explore the World Map
Exploring the world map is pretty much a minor task but gathering information can be an extremely important key to planning ahead. Knowing your neighbors and familiarizing yourself with the relevant landmarks around you can give you a general idea of how you want to play the game. For example, being near powerful players who are members of the same Syndicate should mean that you either join their alliance or join one that isn’t at war with the ones they are currently in.
New players are given the option to transfer their city somewhere else on the map and players can also purchase additional chances using premium currency. If you’re in an area where players are constantly attacking you or contesting resources that you’re gathering, it might be a good idea for you to change locations to a place with less active players. Use this information to your advantage and you’ll be able to easily take advantage of your terrain.
Join a Syndicate
A Syndicate in City of Crime: Gang Wars is similar to an alliance or guild in other RPGs. This is where the player will join a group of other players where they can mutually benefit from their existence by providing resources and aid to each other. The most important advantage of being in a syndicate is having a united front so that players, no matter how powerful they are, will think twice about whether or not they should attack another player belonging to a strong guild.
Players should always consider joining active syndicates at the top of the rankings. Joining smaller, casual syndicates won’t guarantee you the safety that you’ll need to survive toward the late game. The higher-ranked syndicates are usually respected around the server since most players are either afraid of them or trying to get on their good side. Simply being a member of these syndicates means that you’ll be less likely to be attacked and when they do strike, you’ll have allies that can provide military assistance.