Guns of Glory is a dynamic real-time strategy game that throws players in a world of empire building and epic warfare. As players saunter through complex alliances and fierce battles, the challenge of managing and expanding their kingdom becomes central to the gameplay. Strategic management of resources, troops, and defensive structures is essential for survival and prosperity, which can be achieved through the construction and upgrade of the game’s many buildings and structures.

Among the various strategies to enhance your estate’s capabilities, appointing Guards in the Tavern building stands out as a particularly effective method. This feature allows players to assign specialized characters, known as Guards, to roles that provide significant boosts to the settlement’s productivity and development. By strategically placing Guards, players can tailor the growth of their estate to suit their gameplay style, whether focusing on economic development, military might, or balanced advancement. This guide will delve into how you can harness the power of Guards to maximize the potential of your estate, ensuring you stay one step ahead in the competitive world of Guns of Glory.

What are Guards in Guns of Glory?

In Guns of Glory, Guards act as the game’s equivalent of “heroes,” each possessing unique skills and abilities that enhance your military and strategic prowess. These special characters can lead your armies, bestowing significant boosts and effects such as direct damage or other combat-enhancing benefits. In other words, they are an important component in maximizing troop damage in this game. Beyond their battlefield capabilities, Guards play a crucial role in bolstering your city’s productivity and defense through their passive effects.

Guns of Glory Guard Boosting Guide - Enhance Your Development by Appointing Your Guards

Each Guard brings a set of passive effects that can be activated when they are appointed to their designated slots in the Tavern building. These bonuses are crucial for enhancing various aspects of your estate and vary greatly depending on the Guard’s rarity and level. Higher rarity Guards inherently provide stronger bonuses, and as they advance in level, they unlock additional tiers of boosts that further enhance your city’s capabilities.

Guns of Glory Guard Boosting Guide - Enhance Your Development by Appointing Your Guards

From the outset, the Tavern offers the Innovator slot, which is immediately available to players. As you progress and upgrade the Tavern, more slots become available, each aligning with specific roles that only certain Guards can fill. This system ensures that players must think strategically about which Guards to recruit and develop based on the slots they have unlocked and the needs of their city.

Understanding Guard Roles and Assignments

Each Guard is designed for a specific role within the Tavern, which determines where they can be assigned. To identify a Guard’s role, players can visit the Guard page and look for the icon located at the top right of their character art. Clicking on this icon provides detailed information about the role. This feature helps players in planning their Guard assignments and optimizing their city’s performance by aligning the right Guards with the appropriate slots.

Guns of Glory Guard Boosting Guide - Enhance Your Development by Appointing Your Guards

This foundational understanding of Guards and their strategic deployment is essential for maximizing the benefits they offer to your city in Guns of Glory. By effectively managing and appointing Guards in the Tavern, players can ensure a well-rounded development of their estate, enhancing both its defensive and productive capacities.

Recruiting New Guards

Recruiting new Guards in Guns of Glory is now centered around a gacha-based system located in the Tavern. This system provides two main banners for recruitment: the Master banner and the Standard banner, each tailored for different recruitment strategies and offering varied probabilities for Guard rarities.

Guns of Glory Guard Boosting Guide - Enhance Your Development by Appointing Your Guards

Master Banner Recruitment

The Master banner is especially valuable for those seeking high-rarity Guards. Players receive one free recruitment opportunity every 48 hours, which is crucial for acquiring powerful Guards without expending resources. Additional recruitment attempts under this banner cost 29 Recruitment Banners each. The summoning rates for the Master banner are:

  • Gold Guards: 5%
  • Purple Guards: 34%
  • Blue Guards: 61%

This banner is ideal for players looking to significantly enhance their estate’s capabilities by obtaining Gold and Purple Guards, which provide the most substantial boosts.

Standard Banner Recruitment

Conversely, the Standard banner offers more frequent recruitment opportunities, allowing for three free recruits every day with just a five-minute cooldown between each. If more Guards are needed beyond the free opportunities, each additional recruitment costs 30 Guard Badges. The Standard banner primarily yields lower-rarity Guards, with summoning rates as follows:

  • Purple Guards: 0.2%
  • Blue Guards: 25%
  • Green Guards: 74.8%

This banner is more accessible and is suited for early game enhancements or supplementing your Guard roster to fill various roles within your estate.

Guns of Glory Guard Boosting Guide - Enhance Your Development by Appointing Your Guards

When recruiting, players should access the Tavern building from the game interface and select the banner that best suits their current needs. Using the free recruitment opportunities efficiently is crucial, as these can yield valuable Guards without the need for resources. For those aiming for higher rarity Guards, prioritizing the Master banner with saved up Recruitment Banners can lead to significant enhancements to your estate.

Through strategic use of these banners, players can effectively bolster their estate’s military and administrative functions, ensuring a robust lineup of Guards to support various aspects of their gameplay.

Remember, each Guard has a specific role to fill, and placing the right Guard in the right slot can significantly impact your success. Upgrading the Tavern not only increases the number of Guards you can appoint but also intensifies the bonuses they provide. This systematic upgrade ensures that your estate grows stronger and more efficient, keeping you ahead in the race for dominance.

Guns of Glory Guard Boosting Guide - Enhance Your Development by Appointing Your Guards

For those looking to maximize their gameplay experience and progress efficiently, playing Guns of Glory on PC with BlueStacks offers distinct advantages. The variety of tools and features available on BlueStacks, such as customizable keymapping, multi-instance functionality, and macro support, can significantly expedite your gaming progress. These enhancements allow for a smoother, more controlled gaming experience, enabling you to manage your estate and execute strategies with precision and ease.

By leveraging the full potential of Guards and the strategic upgrades of the Tavern, alongside the powerful features of BlueStacks, you can transform your gameplay into a more robust, productive, and thrilling experience in Guns of Glory. So, take the helm, strategize wisely, and build an empire that lasts!