MIR4 Class Tier List - Which is the Best Class in the Game?

The new MIR4 mobile MMORPG lets us choose between four different classes before jumping into the game’s world. Each of these classes, aside from looking very distinct and stylish, offer different skills and stats, as well as varied play styles that may appeal to different users. Similarly, these differences also make classes suited for different roles within a group setting, which can also affect your decision depending on what you want to achieve in the game.
Regardless, if you’re a newcomer to the game, then you might have our same problem and end up staring blankly at the character creation screen for a long time, unsure of what to roll as. Despite the fact that we can literally create one character of every class and try them all out before committing to one, we really didn’t want to waste any time just on the beginning. In this sense, we’ve decided to create this guide where we’ll give a brief overview of every class in MIR4, as well as our personal thoughts on each.
If you’re just like us and don’t know which class to choose, then read on.
Warrior – Beefy Defender with a lot of Damage Potential
Let’s get this out of the way: You really can’t go wrong with the Warrior—it’s essentially one of the best classes in the game, hands down.
Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s elaborate a bit further on this point. The objective of most mobile games, especially in MMORPGs like this one, is to progress as fast and with the least amount of effort as possible. This usually means that offense-oriented classes are preferable since they can defeat enemies much easier, with the caveat that they’re more fragile and usually take a bit of skill to use effectively.
The Warrior, however, doesn’t suffer from any of these caveats. This class combines beefy defenses and high health stats with competent damage, letting him both absorb tons of damage, as well as dish it out in return. This balance between offense and defense makes the class ideal for newcomers and veterans alike. In the case of the former, their mistakes won’t be punished as harshly thanks to the class’ high defense values. And for the latter, veterans can probably make much better use of their kit and enjoy performance comparable to other pure DPS classes.
Bottom line, the Warrior is both the beginner’s choice, as well as a balanced class that performs wonderfully no matter what you throw at him.
Sorcerer – Powerful Spellcaster with Tons of AoE
Spellcasters in mobile MMORPGs usually feature massively damaging skills that can rain destruction upon the entire battlefield, and the Sorcerer in MIR4 is no exception.
Armed with her powerful staff, this class specializes in dishing out both single-target as well as AoE damage, with skills that are extremely powerful. This damage potential, however, comes in exchange of her ability to withstand damage, which is very meager. In fact, her only line of defense is her Magic Shield skill, which erects a barrier that blocks a percentage of the damage she takes, in exchange for large amounts of MP.
With that being said, while the Sorcerer can be extremely powerful, it’s also significantly harder to use than the Warrior, considering that players must take extra precautions so that they’re not clipped by enemy attacks. Regardless, if you like seeing big damage numbers on your screen regularly, this is the class for you.
Taoist – A Master of Close Quarters Combat
The Taoist is one of the more complex classes in MIR4, particularly since her play style always forces her to be up close and personal to her enemies. And without the beefy defense of the Warrior, she’s always at risk of getting clobbered if the player gets careless. However, this risk is not without merit as the Taoist is a powerhouse in melee combat, boasting both a speedy play style and devastating melee skills.
In addition to her damaging skills, the Taoist also gains several defensive, supportive, and healing skills, which makes her into a great class to have in any group composition.
Lancer – CC, Damage, and AoE All in a Single Class
The last of the four classes is arguably the strongest when it comes to solo play. This is because the Lancer not only deals a ton of damage, but also has skills that can debuff and CC the enemy, as well as grant him temporary immunity to certain effects or allow him to block attacks entirely.
Like Taoists, Lancers are very mobile, while also offering a higher range of attack thanks to their long spears. And though their damage is comparable or perhaps even lower than other classes, their movement skills, personal support and defensive skills, and high mobility makes them an absolute powerhouse for certain game modes.
MIR4 Class Tier List
Now that we know what each class in MIR4 can do, how do they measure up against each other? To answer this question, we must first consider what type of gameplay we want to engage in, as your choice will vary depending on whether you want to do PvE or PvP content. In this sense, here’s our personal MIR4 class tier list for both modes, in descending order of power:
PvE Tier List
- Warrior
- Sorcerer
- Taoist
- Lancer
Our reasoning for these choices revolves around the fact that Warriors, while not doing the most damage, are very resilient. And since most of the grinding and farming in this game will be done via auto-combat, this class is one of the best choices. However, the Sorcerer is not far behind as her AoE capabilities allow her to easily clear entire screens of enemies at a time. Regrettably, her low defenses stop her from taking the top spot on this list.
PvP Tier List
- Lancer
- Taoist
- Warrior
- Sorcerer
Don’t let this tier list dissuade you if you like the Sorcerer or Warrior. Winning in PvP goes far beyond your choice of class as there’s a significant element of skill involved in defeating and dominating your opponents—the Lancer and Taoist just happen to have the best kit for doing so, which makes them more effective in this game mode.
What is your favorite class in MIR4? Do you agree with our tier list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!