In State of Survival, you can unlock and recruit a wide variety of hero characters, all of which can be used both for leading your armies, as well as leading expeditions into the zombie-infested ruins of the past. These gameplay styles refer to the regular overworld warfare, as well as the Explorer Trail, respectively. Of course, depending on the type of content you’re aiming for, your choice of heroes will change dramatically. 

The Best State of Survival Heroes and How to Use Them (Updated July 2022)

In this guide, we’re going to talk about everything you need to know about the hero system in State of Survival, as well as give our personal top picks for the best characters in the game, for either normal warfare, as well as Explorer Trail content. 

Unlocking New Heroes

While State of Survival is a strategy conquest game, it also has gacha elements in the form of a randomized rolling system through which you can unlock new heroes and add them to your roster. However, in contrast with other games where you immediately unlock the full versions of a character, you’ll receive character fragments in SoS. And, if you have enough fragments, you can combine them to create the corresponding character.

The Best State of Survival Heroes and How to Use Them (Updated July 2022)

With a system like this one, it’s fair to say that unlocking specific characters in State of Survival can be a bit painful. Mainly because you never know what fragments you’re going to get from the gacha. However, there may be times when there are certain events active which, for participating, grant specific character fragments, or even full characters outright. 

Keep an eye out for events, and always use up your daily summonings to ensure that you’re unlocking as many characters as possible.

Explorer Trail Versus Wilderness Fighting

As mentioned above, there are two main types of content in which you’ll be deploying your characters in State of Survival:

The first is the wilderness content, which consists of the typical strategy conquest game fights where you deploy your armies to fight neutral enemies on the world map, with your heroes acting as the leaders of your troops. In this type of content, your heroes act more as passive support units, as they can bestow unique buffs to your troops in order to enhance their effectiveness in combat. Moreover, depending on the type and level of your heroes, you might be able to take a larger number of troops.

The Best State of Survival Heroes and How to Use Them (Updated July 2022)

The second type of content is the Explorer Trail, which is entirely different and revolves more around exploratory segments where you can directly control your heroes in real-time battles against the undead. These fights are more similar to a proper RPG, with each character having their own roles, stats, and special abilities, which they can deploy in combat to either assist the other heroes, or to eliminate the incoming zombie horde.

With that being said, your choice of the best heroes in State of Survival will wholly depend on the type of content you’re doing.

Best Heroes for Wilderness Hunting

When it comes to exploring the wilderness and engaging against the roaming undead, there are certain aspects you must consider. Specifically, your choice of best heroes for this purpose will vary according to your army type, as the different characters bestow different bonuses on specific troop types. As such, there are no “best” characters; there are just the ones that are right for your current setup.

The Best State of Survival Heroes and How to Use Them (Updated July 2022)

Nevertheless, while your choice of hero for this purpose will vary depending on your troop distribution, there are some heroes that can benefit multiple unit types, which can potentially put them above others in terms of quality. For instance, heroes like Joker, who can benefit both Riders and Siege units, or Wacko, who can provide buffs for Infantry and Siege units, are potentially better than heroes like Rusty, who can only benefit Infantry units.

Additionally, there are four main types of combat in State of Survival: Rally, PvP, Infected, and Garrison. Ideally, your choice of characters will revolve around 3 or 4 units that can cover these four areas, which you can determine by reading their stats and description. In other words, by keeping all these areas covered with a few upgraded heroes, there won’t be any type of content you won’t be prepared to tackle.

The Best State of Survival Heroes and How to Use Them (Updated July 2022)

However, while combat is a big aspect of overworld content, you’ll also find yourself constantly sending out your troops to gather from the world map, in order to boost your resource production. In these cases, you won’t need combat heroes as much, and will benefit more from assigning units that can provide passive bonuses for gathering resources.

Best Heroes for Explorer Trail Missions

In contrast to the above, your choice of heroes for the Explorer Trail is much more important, especially since you’re taking direct control of them, and each of these will offer a wide variety of stats and skills, and can perform a multitude of roles. As such, more than just their individual bonuses, you need to consider how their skills sync up with each other, and whether or not the squad has positive synergies, in order to engage and fight against even the toughest zombie hordes.

The Best State of Survival Heroes and How to Use Them (Updated July 2022)

Regardless of your choices, however, it’s important to always consider the types of heroes you’re taking on the Explorer Trail. Ideally, you’d want to take a couple of ranged fighters, but then you’ll also want to keep a Brawler present at all times in order to man the frontlines and prevent the zombies from rushing your more fragile units.

With that being said, some of the best State of Survival characters for the Explorer Trail include:

  • Maddie & Frank
  • Sarge
  • Daryl
  • The Joker
  • Chloe
  • Wacko
  • Emma & Eli
  • Roxy
  • Luca

The Best State of Survival Heroes and How to Use Them (Updated July 2022)

Remember that the best practice here is to keep a couple of strong ranged fighters on the back rows, and a tough tank in front. And as long as you keep your units properly upgraded, you should have a decent time in the Explorer Trail.