Apex Legends Mobile Season 2 update: Cold Snap is Live Featuring New Legend, Map Changes and More

Apex Legends Mobile is a character-based battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts, available for Android and iOS devices. On 14th June 2022, the Season 1 of Apex Legends Mobile ended. On 15th June, the developers released the Season 2 update named Cold Snap for players across the globe.
During the release of the game, some players were not happy with how some of the features worked in the title. Through the Cold Snap update, the developers will fix some of the key issues in the game and introduce some new features.
New Legend: Loba
With the Cold Snap update, the developers released the new legend – Loba, in the game. The following are the abilities that can be found in the new character –
- Tactical: Burglars Best Friend
- Loba can teleport instantly by throwing her jump drive bracelet to the targeted location.
- Passive: Eye For Quality
- With this ability, nearby Epic and Legendary loot are visible through walls.
- Ultimate: Black Market Boutique
- Loba can place a portable shop on the ground allowing the players to loot the surrounding area instantly.
Players can unlock Loba through Store or by reaching Level 25 in the new Battle Pass released in this update.
New Winter Theme
The Season 2 update comes with a winter theme. The climatizer will switch on and off, covering a part of World’s Edge in snow. Players can look for Frosted Loot Boxes on their minimap when the Climatizer is on. They can gather diamonds from enemies and Frosted loot boxes to purchase stuff from the seasonal shop. There is also a new throwable item named Snow Grenades, using which players can harm and slow enemies.
New Battle Pass
The Season 2 update of Apex Legends Mobile comes with a brand new Cold Snap Battle Pass. Players who had purchased the Prime Time Premium or Premium Plus Battle Pass before the update will receive the following –
- 1 Syndicate Pack.
- 50 Syndicate Gold.
The new Cold Snap Battle Pass provides multiple in-game content for players to unlock. Upon completion of the Premium or Premium Plus Battle Pass, players will be rewarded with 800 Syndicate Gold.
New Shop Updates
Players can redeem multiple in-game items from the new shop using the diamonds received in-game by defeating opponents, through treasure boxes and fulfilling various tasks.
Optimization and Bug Fixes
The following are the optimization and bug fixes released through the Apex Legends Mobile Season 2 update –
- The base visuals of Wraith have been optimized.
- Several replicator spawn locations have been adjusted.
- The issue where players were unable to adjust the auto ammo pickup settings for the Peacekeeper weapon, has been fixed.
- Several spots on the World’s Edge map have been fixed where players could get stuck or blocked.
- The issue where Mirage players would experience lag and frame drops when taking out a weapon after activation of the ultimate ability has been fixed.
- Octane’s incorrect VO callouts when using his jump pad have been fixed.
- The slow-down effect of Fade’s ultimate ability has been fixed.
What do you think about the new Season 2 Cold Snap update in Apex Legends Mobile? Let us know in the comment section below.