Everything New With the Call of Duty: Mobile March 2020 Update

Earlier this week, a new update for the awesome mobile FPS, Call of Duty: Mobile, rolled out. And with this update came a wide slew of additions, coupled with a few adjustments here and there. Among some of the most important features in this patch, we can find a new map and a couple of new limited game modes. Furthermore, a new ranked season is upcoming next week, as well as new battle pass rewards, most of which we’ll explain in further detail below.
So without further ado, let’s take a look at what the March 2020 update for Call of Duty: Mobile has in store for us.
1. A Brand New Map
Front and center in the lineup of changes for CoDM is the new map, Meltdown. To be fair, however, this map isn’t exactly new as it was first featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Nevertheless, the industrial-themed map is back and better than ever, and is currently available for players to enjoy in a variety of game modes.
2. New Game Modes
And speaking of game modes, the ever-rotating repertoire of events and modes have received two new additions: Gun Game: Team Fight, and 2v2 Showdown.
The first mode consists of a Team Deathmatch-styled battle where two teams face off against each other to be the first to reach 60 points. While the basic premise of the mode is similar to the one in your standard TDM, players can continuously upgrade their weapons by earning kills or assists. One kill in this mode adds an upgrade to their weapons, while two assists do the same. The first team who reaches the aforementioned point goal wins. However, if someone manages to get a knife kill on the last round, their team is automatically declared the winner, regardless of their current points.
The second mode consists of a 2v2 duel in a small map, where the first team to win six rounds is the victor. Every two rounds, however, their loadouts rotate randomly, so no one ever knows what they will get. It’s important to note that there are no respawns within rounds; if you die, you’re done until the next round. Furthermore, health regeneration for this mode is disabled to encourage fighting instead of turtling tactics.
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These two new game modes will be made available as soon as the update launches. Keep in mind that the March patch will be progressively rolled out across all regions, so you might have to wait a bit before being able to play them.
On a different note, the team also teased a brand new game mode for Battle Royale. While they didn’t give specific details, they mentioned that it will consist of 20v20 matches using the first-person perspective only. We’ll have to wait until they reveal further details later on.
3. New Battle Pass Content
The Steel Legion battle pass rewards are now available and offer a variety of unique prizes for those who have purchased this feature. Some of the most important prizes include a returning character, Lt. Commander David Mason (Codename: SECTION), from Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.
There are also some new goodies available for new players and for those who own the free battle pass, including a new SMG-type weapon, the GKS, which offers not only powerful damage and awesome stability, but also the possibility of hitting distant targets with precision. Additionally, the new Scorestreak item, Shock RC, is now implemented, which consists of a small RC vehicle that emits electric shocks to disable nearby enemies for a few seconds.
4. Ranked Mode: Season 4 Begins
From April 1st until June 1st, players will be able to participate in a brand new season of Ranked mode, this time with a theme inspired by the Industrial Revolution.
As usual, players can expect to find many different weapons and equipment with the corresponding theme as they climb their way through the ranks. Moreover, there have been certain small additions and adjustments to the way Ranked works, including improvements to the particle effects and art in the Ranked menu, and adjustments to the matchmaking logic and scoring rules for ranked MP, among others. Lastly, with the addition of the new Meltdown map, it has temporarily replaced the standard Scrapyard map for the S&D, DOM, and TDM modes.
5. Zombies are Gone!
In a sad turn of events, however, not everything that came with the March update is pleasant.
While we gained several new game modes and a brand new map, those who enjoyed the Zombies mode in Call of Duty: Mobile will be sad to know that, as of March 25, it is no longer available. Other than the fact that this game mode has been removed, the devs didn’t comment as to the reason behind this action. The in-game FAQ, however, states that the game mode didn’t achieve the level of quality that the team was expecting. Whatever that means, exactly, is up for debate.
However, in a Reddit post detailing the changelog for the current patch, a company spokesperson claimed that Zombies MAY return at a later date, but that as of now, it will no longer be playable. Oddly enough, we can still find Zombies-exclusive items for sale on the store, which players won’t be able to buy since they no longer have access to the special currencies for doing so. Maybe this is an oversight from the developers; we’ll see.
Nevertheless, despite the removal of the once-popular game mode, we feel the new March update for Call of Duty: Mobile is positive for the most part. With these new additions, coupled with myriad adjustments, balance changes, and bug fixes, which are too numerous to name here, the popular mobile FPS is better than ever!