The month of April is quite packed especially for KingsGroup Holdings’ zombie apocalypse game State of Survival. After launching their collaboration with the epic television series The Walking Dead, State of Survival is now releasing their second event for this month to celebrate Earth Day.

If you want to participate in State of Survival’s previous The Walking Dead event, you can read our guide on our previous blog post. All you have to do is locate the game’s newest hero and collaborative character Daryl Dixon by going through a couple of quests. You can read about how to find Daryl Dixon in State of Survival here. You are in for a treat by going through the Mysterious Visitor quest, the Oasis Guess, Community, Survival Challenges, and Survival Documentary.

State of Survival Launches the Earth Day Event

State of Survival’s Earth Day event

Despite the undead hunting them out, State of Survival heroes still have the time to celebrate Earth Day.

The story revolves around the nature-loving hero Tyler and the hunter Travis. Tyler hates Travis for hunting his beloved animals whom he treats as brothers and sisters. Travis may have even provoked Tyler a little by capturing Obsidian and Pearl. This is why Tyler decided to rescue the pair to protect them and preserve nature.

Earth Day Wildlife Rescue

By participating in this event, you can get arrows to receive awesome rewards. In Earth Day Wildlife Rescue, you can earn points to participate in the rankings to win great rewards. The best thing you can win is the City of Earth HQ skin which is a permanent skin.

The Earth Day Wildlife Rescue will start on April 20 and end on April 27.

Earth Day Animal Rescue Operation

Can you follow instructions to a T? You are in luck because you can complete tasks from the mysterious organization to get arrows and eventually reach the specified rankings, giving you the rewards you have always wanted.

The Earth Day Animal Rescue Operation will start on April 20 and end on April 27.

Earth Day Rescue Time

All you need to do is accomplish all the tasks that have been designated to you to get more arrows and other rich supplies. The rewards include the Swing of Nature Decoration.

The Earth Day Rescue Time will be available from April 20 to April 26.

Sufficient Arrows

Through this event, you will have the chance to get more arrows for more rewards. You can do this from April 20 to April 26.

Are you ready to join State of Survival’s Earth Day event?