We absolutely love crafting in video games. The DIY aspect of many games makes us feel like we’re making a difference in our own world beyond simply strengthening our characters and defeating our enemies. In a sense, this allows us to actually create something instead of focusing entirely on destroying our foes, which is sometimes a nice change of pace. After all, you can only kill the same enemy so many times without getting bored of it!

An Overview of the Gathering, Crafting, and Building in Dawn of Isles

Dawn of Isles is, first and foremost, an MMORPG with all the bells and whistles that you’d expect from the genre. In this game, you can find everything from character progression via leveling up, you can acquire new skills, upgrade your gear, increase your stats, and even befriend and deploy numerous beasts in the battlefield. However, like Durango Wild Lands, this game also features a robust crafting system through which you may create many different items out of the objects you pick up during your travels.

Furthermore, not content with adding just crafting, developer Netease also implemented a base building feature in Dawn of Isles. In this sense, aside from using your materials to craft tools and elemental flasks, you can also bring them back to your island and use them to erect different structures. These buildings are then used for many different functions such as passively generating many different resources, and sowing and harvesting crops, among others.

An Overview of the Gathering, Crafting, and Building in Dawn of Isles

In this guide, we are going to explore the crafting aspect in Dawn of Isles, and try to explain how to get the most out of your efforts in this regard.

Vigor and Insight

Before talking about the process of crafting itself, we need to discuss two vital elements: Vigor and Insight.

Vigor is synonymous with stamina in other games. However, instead of using it for every action that your character performs, this parameter only decreases when you craft items and construct buildings. Think of it as your crafting energy and, when it runs out, you’ll be unable to continue working on your base or crafting other useful items.

It’s important to always keep in mind your current Vigor since, without this resource, you will be unable to continue manufacturing objects, including the useful elemental flasks and even the gathering tools necessary to expand your reserves of crafting materials. Luckily, Vigor can be recovered through several means: For starters, once your Vigor is running out, you can recover a set amount of it every day. Furthermore, you can also use items like “Vigor Ham” to instantly recharge a portion of your Vigor.

An Overview of the Gathering, Crafting, and Building in Dawn of Isles

For the sake of saving up materials, we recommend crafting only as much as your Vigor permits. In other words, don’t waste your Vigor Hams unless absolutely necessary. In many cases, your daily Vigor allowance is more than enough to fulfill your everyday crafting needs. Keep in mind that you can always consult your remaining Vigor (both your available Vigor as well as the daily replenishment) by clicking on your HP bar while in your home island.

Insight, on the other hand, represents your character’s knowledge in crafting and increases as you spend Vigor. This parameter is required for gaining access to stronger recipes, and may trigger some additional bonuses when creating new items in the Crafter’s Hut. If regular experience allows your character to grow in strength, then Insight allows your character to grow as a crafter. In this sense, both are equally important and will play a vital role as your progress.

Gathering Materials

Collecting materials in Dawn of Isles is performed just as it is in other similar games, with your character using a variety of tools to gather from the local flora. In order to gather every material in this game, you’ll need an axe, a mining pick, a sickle, a skinning shiv, and a fishing rod of the corresponding level.

An Overview of the Gathering, Crafting, and Building in Dawn of Isles

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While you can collect most materials with one of each of these tools in your backpack, you must also consider their levels as low-level tools can’t be used in high-level areas. In this sense, a level 1 tool is only effective in the Windy Fjord, while a level 2 tool is effective in this area and also in the Aluba Island. As you upgrade your tools, you will be able to use them in other parts of the world, so make sure to prepare accordingly.

Your Home Island

Your home island, as its name implies, is the place where you’ll be constructing your base. It is here where you will research new buildings, construct structures, and upgrade those that are already built. Furthermore, by constructing certain buildings here, you will also be able to produce resources passively so you won’t have to gather it from the land.

An Overview of the Gathering, Crafting, and Building in Dawn of Isles

The development of your base is determined, mostly, by one building: Your Deity Altar. This structure is like the Castle of any conquest game in the sense that, by upgrading it, you will unlock more vacant lots, new building types, and will be able to upgrade other buildings even further. Keep in mind that your Deity Altar determines the max level of your other buildings. In other words, no structure can be higher in level than the Altar. In this sense, leveling the Altar is your top priority when working on your home island.

As you level up your altar, you will unlock both new buildings, as well as vacant lots to construct the said buildings. Here is a list of the early buildings that you’ll unlock in this game:

An Overview of the Gathering, Crafting, and Building in Dawn of Isles

  • Lumber Mill: Passively generates several types of wood. The quality of the materials will depend on the level of the mill.
  • Greenhouse: Produces forage and fruits like the ones you’d find in the different areas of the game.
  • Quarry: Produces various types of rocks. The quality of the materials depends on the level of the quarry.
  • Construct Yard: Uses raw materials and refines them into building pieces used for constructing and upgrading buildings.
  • Kitchen: Allows you to unlock new cooking recipes.
  • Crafter’s Hut: Allows you to unlock new crafting bench recipes.
  • Pit: Unlocks pet expeditions where you can use your pets to obtain supplies and other materials.
  • Furnace: Synthesizes raw materials into ingots that are used in the crafting of powerful weapons.
  • Textile Mill: Uses raw materials to produce cloth and glue, vital materials for crafting certain gear for the Dancer.
  • Hunter’s Lodge: Similar to the Textile Mill, the Lodge takes raw materials and produces leather and chitin, which are essential for producing certain types of armor for the Ranger, Warmage, and Fighter.

An Overview of the Gathering, Crafting, and Building in Dawn of Isles

There is much to discover when it comes to gathering and crafting in this game. Remember to always prioritize your Deity Altar above all other buildings in order to gain access to the latest structures and recipes. Before long, you’ll have a booming island that will provide anything you’ll ever need for your adventures across the world.

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