There are many outlaws that need to be dealt with in Wild West Heroes. The ones you encounter early in the game are fairly easy to beat but eventually, you will encounter stronger and more intimidating enemies and even bosses. The Wild West will only become wilder and that is why you need to consistently upgrade your heroes in order to keep saving the West from succumbing to lawlessness.

In this game guide, we’ll show you all of the things that you need to know about upgrading heroes. Before upgrading, we need to have a great idea first

Knowing Basic Hero Information

There are several characteristics of a hero that we need to look into to better understand the heroes in our inventory. Knowing these well can help in building a powerful gang of heroes, especially when those heroes are individually upgraded.

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

Firstly, there is a star level. Each hero has several stars beside their icon. These stars refer to the hero’s star level, which essentially gauges their rarity in the game. Additionally, their star level also gives you an idea of how powerful a particular hero is without upgrades. At first, the game gives you gold three-star to five-star heroes but you will eventually be able to claim heroes, or upgrade existing ones, with red and purple stars, which are significantly stronger star levels.

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

Secondly, there are factions. There are several factions in the game and each hero is a part of one of those factions. Each faction is strong against one faction but weak against another. Moreover, having a certain number of heroes in the same faction in the same team can also give passive benefits during battles. Factions are quite an important factor in overall team strength and must always be considered while choosing which heroes to deploy to battle. You can know more about how to take advantage of this in this separate game guide.

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

Thirdly, there are roles. Roles give you an idea of what a particular hero is supposed to do in combat. A hero can have the role of a Tank, which means that they are meant to be front liners considering that they can absorb more damage. They can have the role of DPS, which means that they are mid liners who are responsible for dealing with the majority of damage to the enemies. And they can have the role of support, which means that they are back liners who will either give stat boosts or health restorations to the other roles.

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

Fourthly, there is a specialty. Specialty essentially implies what aspect of a hero’s particular role the said hero good is at. For instance, DPS roles can specialize in either single powerful attacks that only target one enemy or multiple semi-powerful attacks that hit all enemies.

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

Fifthly, there are the actual stats. A hero has three main stats: HP (Health), Attack, and Defense. There are also more stats such as Crit Rate, Dodge, and the like but these are special stats that are situationally activated. What’s important are the three main ones and they are generalized into one number (the one beside the revolver icon) to give you a rough idea of how strong a hero is.

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

Lastly, there are skills. There is Grit Skill, which is a hero’s most powerful move that is activated during battle. There are also two or three additional skills but these are passive abilities that are progressively unlocked as a hero is promoted to a certain rank. A hero rises to a higher rank when they level up.

Leveling Up Your Hero

Leveling up is the most basic way to upgrade a hero. Each level-up costs cash and rations, which are generated by specific buildings in your town. You can level-up a hero up to a certain point (at first, this will be up to Level 10) at which they need to be promoted in order to further level-up.

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

Promoting increases a hero’s rank and not only will this allow you to increase their stats even more but this gives you – or at least brings you one step closer to – an additional skill. Gold dust and money are required to promote heroes and the cost of promotion, as well as leveling up, will only become more expensive as your hero becomes stronger.

You can know more about garnering the resources you need for upgrades here.

Equipping Gear

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

Gear can be equipped to your heroes as an added bonus to their stats. Topwear (i.e. coats) and footwear (i.e. boots) append the HP stat. Guns (i.e. revolvers and rifles), as well as attachments like Triggers and Grips, increase the Attack stat (Triggers also give an HP bonus). Trinkets provide bonus buffs to the hero wearing it such as additional damage to Tanks, HP boosts, and the like.

You can obtain gear from multiple areas of the game. For one, gear is often rewarded after completing levels of the main campaign. Some gear can be traded with fish from a fishing merchant. And, gear can even be directly produced from your town through a Smith or Livery, however, you are going to need to progress far into the game to unlock those buildings.

Riding Special Horses

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

The Wild West is never complete without horses so give your Wild West heroes some horses to give them passive buffs. Horses are obtained from the Horse Ranch and you need to use lassos to tame one. More lassos can be purchased with diamonds.

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

After taming a horse, you can give it to any hero to apply the buffs. We suggest giving a horse to a hero who will benefit the most from the buffs. For example, if a horse gives a huge boost in Attack, then it is best to give it a hero with a DPS role.

You can even level-up a horse in a similar way you upgrade heroes. Carrots are required to upgrade horses.

Assigning Heroes to Town Buildings

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

If the passive buffs given by horses are not enough, you can assign heroes to certain town buildings to give them further stat boosts. There are specific buildings in your town that can give boosts to a maximum of two heroes so make sure these slots are filled up. Follow the same rule as with horses. If the building supplements HP, then assign a hero with a Tank role to that building.

Fusing Heroes

A Guide on Upgrading Your Heroes in Wild West Heroes

As you play the game, you will eventually unlock a building called the Registry wherein you gain more management with your heroes. One of these options is fusing.

You can promote a hero to the next star level by fusing them. You are going to need: the hero you want to upgrade, a duplicate fragment of the hero to be upgraded (must be of the same star level), and several fragments of heroes of the same faction.