Epic Seven: Hero and Artifact Update and More

This update will be focusing on balancing the skills and artifacts for some heroes. This update also added a new collaboration with the anime “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime“.
Now let us take a look at the skills and artifacts that got changed.
Mediator Kawerik
It looks like the changes for this character are aiming to buff his overall performance.
His skill Retribution has been changed. The skill now considers the caster and bases the Combat Readiness on both party’s health.
Retribution (before update) – Has 4 seconds cooldown. Dashes toward the enemy to attack, increasing Combat Readiness of the ally except for the caster with the highest Combat Readiness by 10%(15%max). Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max health.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +2% Combat Readiness
- 3rd soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 4th soul enhancement gives +3% Combat Readiness
- 5th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
Retribution (after update) – Has 4 seconds cooldown. Dashes toward the enemy to attack, increasing Combat Readiness off the caster by 10%(15% max) and the ally except for the caster with the highest Combat Readiness by 10%(15% max). Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +2% Combat Readiness
- 3rd soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 4th soul enhancement gives +3% Combat Readiness
- 5th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
Balance of Power (before update) – Has 4 seconds cooldown. Attacks the enemy with the mediator’s power, decreasing Atack for 2 turns and granting a barrier to all allies for 2 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max health. Barrier strength increases proportionally to the ally’s max health.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement fives +10% barrier shield
- 3rd soul enhancement gives -1 turn cooldown
- 4th soul enhancement gives +10% barrier strength
- 5th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
- 6th soul enhancement gives +15% damage dealt
Balance of Power (after update) – Attacks the enemy with the mediator’s power, dispelling all buffs before decreasing Attack for 2 turns and granting a barrier to all allies for 2 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health. Barrier strength increases proportionally to the ally’s max health.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement fives +10% barrier shield
- 3rd soul enhancement gives -1 turn cooldown
- 4th soul enhancement gives +10% barrier strength
- 5th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
- 6th soul enhancement gives +15% damage dealt
Nature Restoration (before update) – Has 7 seconds cooldown. [before awakening] Restores balance that has been destroyed, dispelling all debuffs from all allies and increasing Attack for 2 turns. [after awakening] Restores the balance that has been destroyed, dispelling all debuffs from all allies and granting increased attack and immunity for 2 turns.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement decreases turn cooldown by 1 second
- 2nd soul enhancement decreases turn cooldown by 1 second
- 3rd soul enhancement decreases turn cooldown by 1 second
Nature Restoration (after update) – Has 7 seconds cooldown. [before awakening] Restores balance that has been destroyed, dispelling all debuffs from all allies and increasing Attack for 2 turns. Increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 50% When this skill is available at the start of the turn, decreases debuff duration of the caster by 1 turn. [after reawakening] Restores balance that has been destroyed, dispelling all debuffs from all allies and granting increased Attack and immunity for 2 turns. Increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 50%. When this skill is available at the start of the turn, it decreases debuff duration of the caster by 1 turn.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement decreases turn cooldown by 1 second
- 2nd soul enhancement decreases turn cooldown by 1 second
- 3rd soul enhancement decreases turn cooldown by 1 second
This ice mage’s skills have been buffed as well. Instead of making them unhealable, enemies now have lower defenses.
Icy Impact (before update) – Attacks the enemy with shards of ice, with a 65% (75% max) change to make them unhealable for 1 turn.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 3rd soul enhancement gives +10% effect chance
- 4th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
- 5th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
Icy Impact (after update) – Attacks the enemy with shards of ice, with a 65% (75% max) chance to decrease Defense for 1 turn.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 3rd soul enhancement gives +10% effect chance
- 4th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
- 5th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
Cold Snap (before update) – Has 4 seconds cooldown. Attacks all enemies with an explosion of ice, dispelling one buff before decreasing Combat Readiness by a random amount between 5% and 20%. A critical hit will decrease combat Readiness by an additional 10%.
[Soulburn Effect] skill cooldown is decreased by 2 turns.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 3rd soul enhancement decreases turn by 1 second
- 4th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
- 5th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
Cold Snap (after update) – Has 4 seconds cooldown. Attacks all enemies with an explosion of ice, dispelling two buffs before decreasing Combat Readiness by a random amount between 15% and 40%. Grants the caster skill nullifier once. [Soul Effect] Grants an extra turn.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 3rd soul enhancement decreases turn by 1
- 4th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
- 5th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
Absolute Zero (before update) – Has 5 seconds cooldown. [Before Awakening] Releases energy to attack all enemies, with a 60% (85% max) chance to stun for 1 turn. [after awakening] Releases energy to attack all enemies with a 60% (85% max) chance to stun for 1 turn. Increases Combat Readiness of all allies by 5% according to the number of critical hits made.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives 5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +10% effect chance
- 3rd soul enhancement decreases turn by 1
- 4th soul enhancement +15% effect chance
- 5th soul enhancement gives +15% damage dealt
Absolute Zero (after update) – Has 5 seconds cooldown. [Before Awakening] Releases energy to attack all enemies, with a 60% (85% max) chance to stun for 1 turn. When an ally uses a non-attack skill and this skill is available, increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 20%. [after awakening] Releases energy to attack all enemies, with a 60% (85% max) chance to stun for 1 turn and increases Combat Readiness of all allies by 20%. When an ally uses a non-attack skill and this skill is available, increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 20%.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives 5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +10% effect chance
- 3rd soul enhancement decreases turn cooldown by 1
- 4th soul enhancement +15% effect chance
- 5th soul enhancement gives +15% damage dealt
The Earth Warrior Yufine will only have one skill change. The new changes added more effectiveness to her skill and can extend the buff duration for longer periods of time.
Dragon Charge (before update) – Has 5 seconds cooldown. [before awakening] hits the enemy with a finishing blow, dispelling all buffs and stunning for 1 turn. [after awakening] Hits the enemy with a finishing blow, dispelling all buffs and stunning for 1 turn. Damage dealt is increased by 50% when the enemy is buffed. [Soulburn Effect] Grants an extra turn.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 3rd soul enhancement decreases turn cooldown by 1
- 4th soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 5th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
- 6th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealtDragon Charge (after update) – Has 4 seconds cooldown. [before awakening] Hits the enemy with a finishing blow, dispelling all buffs and stunning for 1 turn. Increases Effectiveness of the caster for 2 turns. [after awakening] Hits enemy with a finishing blow, dispelling all buffs and stunning for 1 turn. Damage dealt is increased by 50% when the enemy is buffed. Increases the effectiveness of the caster for 2 turns.
[SoulBurn Effect] Extends the duration of buffs granted by this skill by 1 turn and grants an extra turn.
Blood Blade Karin
The four-star dark thief blood blade Karin’s skills will also get an update. His Combat Readiness was split into two whenever he defeats an enemy and grants immortality.
Sequential Cutter (before update) – Quickly strikes the enemy with a sword, recovering Health proportional to damage dealt. Caster’s Combat Readiness increases by 50% when the enemy is defeated.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +15% healing
- 3rd soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
- 4th soul enhancement gives +15% healing
- 5th soul enhancement gives +15% damage dealt
Sequential Cutter (after update) – Quickly strikes the enemy with a sword, recovering Health proportional to damage dealt. Increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 15% and when the target is defeated, increases Combat Readiness of the caster by additional 35%.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +15% healing
- 3rd soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
- 4th soul enhancement gives +15% healing
- 5th soul enhancement gives +15% damage dealt
Cursed Sword (before update) – As Health decreases, Attack, defense, and Speed increases.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% stat increase
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +10% stat increase
- 3rd soul enhancement gives +10% stat increase
- 4th soul enhancement gives +10% stat increase
- 5th soul enhancement gives +15% stat increase
Cursed Sword (after update) – As health decreases, Attack, Defense and Speed increase. At the start of the battle, grants immortality to the caster for 1 turn.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% stat increase
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +10% stat increase
- 3rd soul enhancement gives +10% stat increase
- 4th soul enhancement gives +10% stat increase
- 5th soul enhancement gives +15% stat increase
Blade Art: Dragon (Before update) Has 5 seconds cooldown. [before awakening] Attacks all enemies, sacrificing 20% of the caster’s Health. Increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 50% when an enemy is defeated. [after awakening] Attacks all enemies, sacrificing 20% of the caster’s Health. Grants the caster an extra turn when an enemy is defeated.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 3rd soul enhancement decreases turn cooldown by 1
- 4th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
- 5th soul enhancement gives +15% damage dealt
Blade Art: Dragon (after update) Has 5 seconds cooldown. [before awakening] Attacks all enemies, sacrificing 20% of the caster’s Health and increases Attack of the caster for 2 turns. Increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 50% when an enemy is defeated. This skill cannot trigger a counterattack. [after awakening] Attacks all enemies, sacrificing 20% of the caster’s Health and increases Attack of the caster for 2 turns. Grants the caster an extra turn when an enemy is defeated. This skill cannot trigger a counterattack.
Soul Enhancement
- 1st soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 2nd soul enhancement gives +5% damage dealt
- 3rd soul enhancement decreases turn cooldown by 1
- 4th soul enhancement gives +10% damage dealt
- 5th soul enhancement gives +15% damage dealt
Zealot Carmainerose
The 3 star fire mage Zealot Carmainerose skills are also getting some changes. Some of Zealot’s Enhance Rune will be changed to effect chance instead of effectiveness.
Order Rune (before update) – When attacking, increases Effectiveness by 20% if the target is an Earth elemental hero.
Enhance Rune
- 1st enhance rune gives +3% Effectiveness
- 2nd enhance rune gives +7% Effectiveness
- 3rd enhance rune gives +10% Effectiveness
Order Rune (after update) – After using Vampirism, has a 100% chance to increase Combat Readiness of the caster by 5%.
Enhance Rune
- 1st enhance rune gives +20% effect chance
- 2nd enhance rune gives +30% effect chance
- 3rd enhance rune gives +50% effect chance
Disease Rune (before update) – has a 60% chance to make unhealable for 1 turn when attacking an Earth elemental Hero with Vampirism.
Enhance Rune
- 1st enhance rune gives +10% effect chance
- 2nd enhance rune gives +20% effect chance
- 3rd enhance rune gives +30% effect chance
Disease Rune (after update) – Has 60% chance to inflict unhealable for 1 turn when attacking the target with Vampirism.
Enhance Rune
- 1st enhance rune gives +10% effect chance
- 2nd enhance rune gives +20% effect chance
- 3rd enhance rune gives +30% effect chance
Wedge Rune (before update) – When attacking, increases Effectiveness by 30% if the target is an Earth elemental Hero.
Enhance Rune
- 1st enhance rune gives +5% Effectiveness
- 2nd enhance rune gives +10% Effectiveness
- 3rd enhance rune gives +15% Effectiveness
Wedge Rune (after update) – When the caster’s Health is 50% or more when using Spiteful Annihilation, has a 100% chance to increase Effectiveness of the caster for 2 turns before the skill effect.
Enhance Rune
- 1st enhance rune gives +20% effect chance
- 2nd enhance rune gives +30% effect chance
- 3rd enhance rune gives +50% effect chance
Trust Rune (before update) – When buffs are successfully dispelled by Spiteful Annihilation, increases Combat Readiness of the ally except for the caster with the highest Attack by 20%.
Enhance Rune
- 1st enhance rune gives +5% combat readiness
- 2nd enhance rune gives +7% combat readiness
- 3rd enhance rune gives +8% combat readiness
Trust Rune (after update) – When buffs are successfully dispelled by Spiteful Annihilation, increases Combat Readiness of the caster and the ally except for the caster with the highest Attack by 20%.
Enhance Rune
- 1st enhance rune gives +5% combat readiness
- 2nd enhance rune gives +7% combat readiness
- 3rd enhance rune gives +8% combat readiness
Artifact Changes
5 Star Artifact Black Hand of the Goddess (Mage-exclusive) (before update) – The caster’s Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage increase by 24% at the start of battle. Effect decreases by 2.4% every time the caster attacks, down to 12%.
5 Star Artifact Black Hand of the Goddess (Mage-exclusive) (after update) – The caster’s Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage increase by 24% at the start of battle. Effect decreases by 1.2% every time the caster attacks, down to 18%.
5 Star Artifact Shepherds of Chaos (Thief-exclusive) (before update) – As health decreases, Evasion and Defense increase by up to 40%.
5 Star Artifact Shepherds of Chaos (Thief-exclusive) (before update) – Increases Defense by 10%. As Health decreases. Evasion and Defense increase by up to 40%
For immersive experience play Epic Seven on PC using BlueStacks. Are you happy with the changes that they made for these heroes and artifacts? Let us know in the comments below!