Infinite Lagrange – Sci-Fi Fictional Carnival Update Brings New Ships, New Content, and Optimizations

Infinite Lagrange by Netease Games has had a few rough updates the past year but it’s definitely catching up on the mainstream media! The game has recently been awarded 1st place at the 81st World Science Convention, a prestigious convention that is held every year to commemorate scientific progress and learnings in different fields, including video games. The convention took place in China this time, the home ground of Netease Games. Infinite Lagrange is available to be downloaded and installed as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
Infinite Lagrange teamed up with the World Science Convention as well to bring people not physically present to be able to relish the marvelous discoveries made by humans. This Digital Sci-Fi carnival event was a massive hit, reportedly attended by millions virtually. Aptly termed as “Lagrange Science Fictional Carnival”, the update for November is bringing new ships, some themed events, and some juicy rewards. Infinite Lagrange has been making a ton of improvements over the past year, and the developers are excited to invite new/returning players to check out their own reactions! A set of guides and tips on the game can be found to keep you engaged and informed for the optimal start. Let’s check everything new coming to Infinite Lagrange with the November update.
New Ships Add to the Science Exploration Theme of Infinite Lagrange
2 New ships, called ‘Mare Imbrium – Assault Frigate’, and a counterpart, the ‘Mare Imbrium – Experimental Pulse Cannon Frigate’ can be seen live in-game. They will be available from November 8 at 07:00 UTC to November 29 at 00:00 UTC. Both of these vehicles are going to be massive powerhouses with the ability to evaporate any enemy frontline. Moreover, they are easy to control and travel around with, adding onto their usability in any combat fleet formation.
With the implementation of a Leaderboard and Mileage Prestige system with the previous update, Infinite Lagrange has seen some massive changes. Players are able to earn Military Prestige points by simply killing off space pirates and privateers. Top 100 section of the Military Prestige leader board get rewarded massively for their help in keeping the Lagrange system safe.
The Space Station Loot Gameplay and Dividend Mechanism were also introduced to Infinite Lagrange with the update. Various resources, such as Weapon Tech, Liveries, Blueprint Tech Points, Equipment, Technical Blueprints, and more, can be collected as loot when players take over particular space stations in the star system. These items then further go through an extensive auction process, aimed at increasing accessibility and fairness between Explorers.
New Gameplay Systems that Change the Way Infinite Lagrange is Played
Termed as the “Strategic Asset System” update, the game has seen some significant enhancements in different areas. Some equipment and technical blueprints are getting their values upgraded, adding on to select players getting to see massive strength improvements for their accounts. Precision Identification opportunities for LGLR and A level equipment/technical blueprints will also unlock the Component Upgrade feature. This novel feature promotes strategic development by enabling the use of tools and technical blueprints from the same category to accrue Tech Points on strategic assets.
Tactical items generated for technical blueprints with an “Open Source” parameter can be distributed among players in the same guild, encouraging cooperation and resource sharing. A unique “Technology Expansion” technical parameter may also be featured in some gear and technical blueprints, making the gameplay more strategic and tactical in nature.
We recommend playingInfinite Lagrange on a PC using BlueStacks with a keyboard and mouse for a 60 FPS Full HD lag-free experience on a bigger screen.