Calling all those who have gone astray from the 7DS path – now is the right time to join the battle! Netmarble just dropped a hypnotizing teaser video to announce the return of their Homecoming event.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Homecoming Event

Welcome The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross back into your life with the Homecoming event, an event designed for old players to come back and become active again. 

While it may look fake because of the teaser video’s editing style, the Homecoming event is happening and it offers a ton of rewards!

For those who are curious, the 30-second teaser shows Fox’s Sin of Greed Ban and the Dragon’s Sin of Wrath Meliodas, leisurely dancing to a very happy, hypnotic tune. The phrase “It’s time to come back home” can be heard all throughout the video, as if it were a Christmas jingle blasting through the radio, invading your peaceful, early morning breakfast. The last part of the clip shows Roxy jumping into the screen with the phrase “The time to return is now” flashing on her background, like it was styled by a seven-year-old who’s starting to learn Microsoft Word font styles.

Some players find this new 7DS Homecoming event trailer fascinating, especially since Netmarble is trying out a meme approach to lure back players. Others are not convinced, however, and would like to have the old Boar Hat Headlines format.

The Homecoming event will be released on February 8 and will give draw tickets for FREE.

The Homecoming Event rewards

If it isn’t already obvious after watching that puzzling trailer, the Homecoming Event will grant players up to 110 free draws. The free draws will be for level 80 heroes.

A new character, a new banner, and more!

A week after the Homecoming event, players will be receiving the new character, Escanor, on an upcoming banner this February 15. 

And since The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross’s first year anniversary is coming up, Netmarble has prepared a lot of stuff and surprises for global players! Knights, expect to receive growth rewards through February and March.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Teases Homecoming Event and More!

Netmarble also promised to improve the rate of its banners so that players will be met with “greater opportunities to acquire desired characters,” according to The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross January 27 Dev Notes.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Teases Homecoming Event and More!

If you are a returning player to 7DS, you might want to try playing the game on PC via BlueStacks! BlueStacks has amazing features you’ll ever need to make a grand comeback. For example, they have Macro enhancements that let you skip the tedious and grindy parts of playing on mobile. All you need to do is record the day-to-day tasks or actions that you desire to automate, bind them to any key, and you can rinse and repeat everything all with a press of a button. It’s that simple! Check out our guide on how to play The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross on PC from our previous blog posts.