Welcome to the light side! We’re all out of cookies but can we interest you in some Divine Artifacts from the great Dura?

The Celestials

If it isn’t obvious yet, we are going to discuss our remaining faction for this series — the Celestials faction and its heroes. There are a total of eight Celestial heroes, including the upcoming one Alna, the Frozen Mother which we will be discussing in the next guides to come.

Like the Lightbearers, the Celestials also serve the goddess of life, Dura. Remember that elegant blondie with a black silhouette that you always see during AFK Arena’s start screen? That’s her!

BlueStacks' AFK Arena Gacha Guide for PC and Android: Celestials Faction

Simply put, Celestials are the light side’s cream of the crop since they directly serve Dura while the Lightbearers only follow and fight under her name.

How do I get Celestial heroes on AFK Arena?

Since there are only eight Celestials in AFK Arena, the probability of summoning one of the heroes under this faction on a regular banner is pretty low. There is at least a 37% chance that you will summon an Elite Celestial hero in a 10x summon.

BlueStacks' AFK Arena Gacha Guide for PC and Android: Celestials Faction

To improve your chances of getting better heroes, you can play AFK Arena on PC via BlueStacks and use its Multi-Instance feature. BlueStacks’ Multi-Instance feature allows you to use multiple accounts so you can perform numerous gacha pulls at the same time without all the hassle of using different devices or logging out and then logging in again. It promises effortless multitasking with just a few clicks!

Aside from its Multi-Instance feature, AFK Arena players will experience higher frame rates when they log in and play on their PC and desktops via BlueStacks. View your waifus and husbandos in a clearer light!

Before you proceed with your gacha rolls on BlueStacks, here is a quick hero guide on every Celestial hero available in AFK Arena and how you can utilize them in your party.


Athalia is a pure damage, ranged hero that is viable during the early game. If you’re all in for an aggressive playstyle, then Athalia is for you!

BlueStacks' AFK Arena Gacha Guide for PC and Android: Celestials Faction

You just need to be more patient with this hero since it takes some time and effort to ascend her but once you get her Signature Item at +30 Unlocks, she can be pretty overpowered in matches.

Elijah and Lailah

This pair of heroes (or as most players would call them, “the twins,”) is the complete package when it comes to early game battles. The blue-haired one, Elijah, is in charge of sustaining the team while the pink-haired one, Lailah, makes enemies lose their energy points.

BlueStacks' AFK Arena Gacha Guide for PC and Android: Celestials Faction

They can be paired with almost any team especially if you already have existing DPS heroes and tanks.

Take this formidable duo on boss fights and protect them using your best units and we promise, you’ll excel in your fights in no-time.


Flora is a hard DPS hero which can drown enemies in a ton of damage using her AoE ability Sea of Flowers. She also grants a very nice and thick shield to her allies for about five seconds. You also don’t need to worry about her because unlike other damage dealers, she can recover her own health.

BlueStacks' AFK Arena Gacha Guide for PC and Android: Celestials Faction

Flora can be paired with other tanky Celestial heroes like Orthros and Talene for the best composition in PVP mode.


It’s all about time with Orthos, the Seer of Origins. He is a very viable champion in the PVP, especially with his ability Inertia which prevents enemies from gaining energy points for a good nine seconds.

BlueStacks' AFK Arena Gacha Guide for PC and Android: Celestials Faction

Since he is a very good tank support, putting him on the frontlines will pay off especially after 30 seconds where he starts to become immune to all control abilities upon reaching maximum level. 


Aside from being a decent support hero, Talene can also be utilized as a damage dealer for the team. Her Meteor Shower ability can deal up to 280% damage when maxed out.

BlueStacks' AFK Arena Gacha Guide for PC and Android: Celestials Faction

What’s more, Talene has the ability to revive herself during battles. Just like the mythological creature, the Phoenix, Talene curls herself into a fireball and recovers her health for up to 50% so she can finally be reborn. To top it all off, Talene has great sustain and constantly heals the team during team fights.

Wu Kong

It seems like every popular game has their own version of the monkey king, and of course AFM Arena has theirs too! If you’ve always been a fan of Dota 2’s Monkey King, League of Legends’ Wukong, or Mobile Legends: Bang Bang’s Sun, then AFK Arena’s Wu Kong is for you!

BlueStacks' AFK Arena Gacha Guide for PC and Android: Celestials Faction

Like the above-mentioned characters, Wu Kong also has the ability to deceive enemies in AFK Arena. His ultimate ability, Cloud Clones, summons three copies of himself with 90% of the original’s stats.

Another ability we absolutely love is his Falling Fury which lessens an opponent’s accumulated Haste points.

With these two abilities combined, Wu Kong can be a terrifying carry and the perfect addition to any team.


Before the newest Celestial hero Alna was announced, there was Zaphrael. He went live at AFK Arena together with his Hypogean wife, Lucretia. Love really knows no faction, apparently.

BlueStacks' AFK Arena Gacha Guide for PC and Android: Celestials Faction

If you got Zaphrael through the event, then consider yourself lucky! His AoE kit can be pretty powerful during earlier levels, especially since he teleports himself to areas with the most enemies. However, you need to build up his defense since he is pretty squishy just jumping out to places with a very weak shield.

What do you think of these Celestials? Check out our other hero and gacha guides categorized according to AFK Arena’s factions.